• Guest, if you wish to appeal your ban, please read these threads first:

    READ ME DARKLY Ban Appeal Template + READ ME DARKLY Server Rules

    Guest, Ban Appeal threads are for the player appealing and the banning Admin to respond to. All other posts will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.

DENIED BAN APPEAL (Ingame + Forum) PerplexD

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Name When Banned: PerplexD
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:15263478
Game: CS:S; CS:GO
Server: Toronto Darkly | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON | darkly.ca
Ban Reason: Being a Cocksucker

State your case:

I would also like to appeal my forum ban however; If my past behavior was enough to earn me a life time ban from the forums so be it. Most importantly I would like to appeal the server wide ban which I'm assuming stemmed from my behavior on the forums.

I don't exactly remember what I did in the server but I recall I was being called several names in the server and took my frustration out on an admin for letting such crude behavior go without (which I believed at the time) unwarranted. I do not remember who the admin at the time was ( I believe cock of fur maybe(dont think it was him..)?) and I took my frustration out on him and began calling him unskilled for him slaying me several times and not doing what I wanted.

It was silly of me to be behave in such a way and can assure whoever will be reviewing this appeal that this will never happen again. I believe I've drastically changed my attitude since the ban was issued about 8~9 months ago. I was really active in the community both in the forum and in game except for my slip into a troll period where (I don't remember what the incident in question was but I posted a bad image after a tragedy occurred which was mocking the scenario in question) I did some stupid things and hoping that I could apologize for that and have my forum account back (Original user PerplexD) and granted access to the TD servers once more.

I would like to do whatever I can to get back in the good graces of the TD staff and am willing to do whatever I can to earn the privilege of being a forum member along with having access granted back to the amazing TD servers. My unwarranted behavior on the forums deserved the in game punishment I received from both players and admins so I am here now to apologize for said behavior and assure the staff I will never act such a way again.

Sorry for the lack of details in certain areas. This did take place a long time ago and after much thought and playing in random servers I really wanted to get back in the servers in which I found the most entertaining matched with amazing individuals; Toronto Darkly.
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