I'm New Here
NOTE: This is a second thread i made, first one is in the community and not tf2 section, im guessing i appeal here
Name When Banned: OsamaBeenLagging
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43334326
Game: Team fortress 2, trade server
Server: Trade server 4 torronto
Ban Reason: A racist slur, the "n" word
State your case:
I got banned for using the N word after the guy called me a "jew" . I got frustrated with his trading and called him that. I dont really have an excuse and i wount find one, Ill be honest, i know i fucked up and here i am.
I really didnot mean to do it.
And a question
I see this in the appeal template: *If the reason for your ban is listed as "KAC" you will not be unbanned under any circumstances.Whats KAC ?, im just curious