Price Checks - Spreadsheet Removed

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
The Spreadsheet plugin has been removed. Mostly because of:

In its place we have put on the popular plugin. (Steam Group)

In-game Commands

sm_pc [item name] - price checks an item
sm_pricecheck [item name] - same as above
sm_bp [username] - opens a player's backpack (or displays a list of clients if no match is found)
sm_backpack [username] - same as above
sm_updateprices - forces the price list to update (updates every hour automatically)​ in action:

If you observe any issues with the plugin, please let us know here.


TD Admin / Wanker
You finally added it!!! :D

I always see people using !pc <item> in this should make them happy.


TF2 Admin
You finally added it!!! :D

I always see people using !pc <item> in this should make them happy.

Unless now they've gotten used to ours? :o

Hurray, anyway! But it does seem like this one might be replaced by the community at some later time, even as it replaced one already. Such a shame people seem to be innately corrupt :P
You guys seem to forget that a checklist with multiple people 'voting' on it, is much easier to abuse than it is with only one. Quality over Quantity, always.

People can easily use Proxies/Alt Accounts and many other ways to circumnavigate the checks that the site *hopefully* has to prevent abuse. This can cause a price to jump or lower. I'm still going to use the spreadsheet, but since people insist on, I'll just use both and take the average.

(Still selling weapons for a scrap each. :foreveralone: )


BANNED is a site where users vote on the prices. is a site where the admins collect data from different sources (TF2OP, and estimate a price.
I personally don't give two fucks for The spreadsheet is fancy, sure, but some of the prices are just pure BS. has been around longer than (that I know of).

Thanks to whoever made the plugin, and thanks to SJ for caring about the TF2 servers <3.


TD Admin / Wanker is a site where users vote on the prices. is a site where the admins collect data from different sources (TF2OP, and estimate a price.
Surely a bunch of people voting on a price is different sources.
Yeah, sure it can be influenced by a number of people voting on the same thing, but spreadsheets are only ever guidelines anyway.
Not something to be set in stone.


DARKLY Middleman
Not sure what fool cursed the servers with, but this is an example why I call bullshit on that guideline and continue to use instead the Genuine Original sheet.

We've been receiving reports of users trying to manipulate the price of "What's In Portal 2" boxes. These can still be obtained by purchasing a Portal 2 soundtrack physical copy from Amazon: - don't go paying ridiculous amounts for one.

While current circumstances might say otherwise, the Potato dude that initiated that investigation needs a life, more like a stalker to strike down the sheet as it had become too popular. That may be the result of faggots constantly referencing THAT specific guide and refusing to change their prices...trolls be patrollin.

Still, I do have to admit that I enjoy the muts you guys are constantly adding/improving over time, thanks for that!


TF2 Admin
Something's up with the plug-in already. I noticed when it updated the prices just now it says the quality of the item followed by the sequence of numbers: 98041390630

So it doesn't actually say the name of the items any more, at least for me. What happened? :(

EDIT: It seems it isn't just me. Others agreed they saw the same thing.