Hawk-Eye... Yes I belive I have a couple with asians, ranging in prices... some were free I think and some were like 29$ haha. So if u want the free girls, or the ones that cost money... its up to you.
The mexicans are amazing at flicking those cards, but yes, everytime I walked by them I wanted to bitch slap those little fuckers... they are all like 5'2 or smaller!!!
35, which ones u want, the most expesive girls were like 150$ with NO HIDDEN FEES, Haha! Some were free, could also get two girls for 79$ I belive
(They have prices on them, but I mean once they go to your hotel, clearly they are going to be like 400$ or more for a fuck)
Vinny, now you know what "Hooker Cards" are haha.
Remy, I definately noticed the trucks with the billboards of naked girls driving around, I made my g/f take a pic :) We stayed at Bally's. It was not anything special, but decent price and Centralized on the strip. Big rooms, but nothin' special.