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Back From Vegas.....

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Shitty deal.... come home to like +10 weather here.... it was 98 degrees fahrenheit in Vegas the day I left :( (whatever that is in celcius) But, good news... I'm in TD! Thanks to whoever voted me in!!! :D I got a bunch of those hooker cards as well. Sorry shotgun, no guy ones. Some are free, some are like 150 bucks, so whichever ones u guys want, just let me know, haha.

vinny paz

TD Admin
What exactly are these hooker cards supposed to be. You were telling me about them on the server, but I think I got the wrong idea completely. :(


TD Admin
[quote1241742010=vinny paz]
What exactly are these hooker cards supposed to be. You were telling me about them on the server, but I think I got the wrong idea completely. :(

A bunch of dirty mexicans line the sidewalks on the main strip clickin little cards between their fingers at you. Those cards show a naked chick usually, + directions to a strip club.

THere are free black n white porns in lil newspaper stands too. Kinda like here, except we only have autos n homes mags...


TD Admin
Shitty deal.... come home to like +10 weather here.... it was 98 degrees fahrenheit in Vegas the day I left :( (whatever that is in celcius) But, good news... I'm in TD! Thanks to whoever voted me in!!! :D I got a bunch of those hooker cards as well. Sorry shotgun, no guy ones. Some are free, some are like 150 bucks, so whichever ones u guys want, just let me know, haha.

Send me some :D.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
When i went they was a huge line of mexicans by MGM grande clickin cards, i wanna know how they do it so well.

What hotel did you stay at? and you notice the advertising car that streams naked chicks going up and down the strip all day?


TD Admin
I stayed at the mirage one month before i found out they did huge renovations to all the rooms. It was basically like a nice holiday inn, now they put up 40"+ Plasma flat screens n re-furnished/fixed all the rooms. Sux...but had an awesome time.

Those mexicans are good at clicken cards cuz thats all they do every fucking day for 8 hrs a day. They are annoying as fuck and can cause migraines after you drink yard stick Mai Tais and Long Island's.

The only time I left the main strip was to go to the "burbs" of Las Vegas so I could get real priced american booze. The booze u bought on the strip was almost the same as CDN prices. No fun! Best part is buying 4x 24packs of beer, 3x 40s or liqour and converting your bathtub into an ice bath. Takes about 5-6 trips with 4 grocery bags full of ice to make the most beautiful thing you can see. Plus the girls get excited goin to a hotel room filled with ice cold drinks after dancing 5 hrs at a club til 4am.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Thats alright man i like hearing stuff about vegas i went 2 years ago i want to go back. want to know which hotels were nice, i was at TI, treasure island. It was a tour booking thingy so there wasnt a choice. Pretty sweet diggs nothing special but i was clean unlike most places i get to.

I want to stay at the bellagio next, just cause George clooney robbed it. or maybe ceasers, but then again there's the hooters hotel on the strip.

thingy about vegas its a tourist tourist trap, all the shows cost an arm and a leg


2012 Troll of the Year
I stayed at the bellagio.. I'm spoiled, I'll never stay at a sub 4.5 star hotel. Its just plain fucking worth it. Shows are actually cheap, compared to going to the clubs. Go to the clubs and be a big rugby playing canadian, and you'll drink them out.

American beer + 8 dollars + Big rugby playing canadian = $$$
Hawk-Eye... Yes I belive I have a couple with asians, ranging in prices... some were free I think and some were like 29$ haha. So if u want the free girls, or the ones that cost money... its up to you.
The mexicans are amazing at flicking those cards, but yes, everytime I walked by them I wanted to bitch slap those little fuckers... they are all like 5'2 or smaller!!!
35, which ones u want, the most expesive girls were like 150$ with NO HIDDEN FEES, Haha! Some were free, could also get two girls for 79$ I belive ;) (They have prices on them, but I mean once they go to your hotel, clearly they are going to be like 400$ or more for a fuck)
Vinny, now you know what "Hooker Cards" are haha.
Remy, I definately noticed the trucks with the billboards of naked girls driving around, I made my g/f take a pic :) We stayed at Bally's. It was not anything special, but decent price and Centralized on the strip. Big rooms, but nothin' special.
Shows are not that much Remy. We went to Blue Man Group... funny as fuck, pretty sweet too, had fourth row seats. We had to wear ponchos for when we got splashed with like fucking food, and water and shit. Tickets were like 110, we got em for 47.50 cuz we were students :D


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Yeah broze 110 was alot imo, just cause i was with a large group it would have cost us alot of we all decided to go.

i want to see bluemangroup they actually are pretty damn good. post some pics dude
Yea, Remy, full price would have been quite a bit I guess. We wanted to go to &quot:o" by Circ. They were like 180 so we said fuck that. You were not allowed to take pictures during the show. We only got a couple before they started, of just the theatre, and then after the show the three of them came out, so me and my g/f got some pics with them, pretty funny. Worth it though, if you go, make sure you get seats pretty close to the front, because a lot of the comedy is their facial expressions.
35, some of the hookers are cheap to get to your room... but once they get there your going to be running to an ATM. (Just guessing, not speaking from personal experience ;) haha)
Yes omission, they do have numbers on them, and websites, and price, and ass n' titties.
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