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Congrats Rorschach! My wife is due anytime now, due date was yesterday, i'm sitting here twidling my thumbs waiting...

After taking care of my 9 year old, tired wife & newborn very soon I believe I should be playing CSS more ;), but with headphones.


TD Admin
Just found out today I am going to be haing a baby girl!! Woot!!!

You're pregnant? Damn...that's gonna hurt coming out of your penis.

EDIT: um, congrats. i think.


TD Admin
Just found out today I am going to be haing a baby girl!! Woot!!!

You're pregnant? Damn...that's gonna hurt coming out of your penis.

EDIT: um, congrats. i think.

Damn Narf took my line ggrr
Congrat on the Nubie.
I have many myself...always cool.


TD Member
awww congratz!
yeah whatcha gonna name her? :)
ive always wanted a daughter named Madison...


TD Member
gratz dude LoL
If you dont have a name, I'd say Gertrude LOL just kidding
for a girl I'd probably name my future daughter ashley or something.
*shivers* man, if babies are the shit that floats your boat...

no, thats great news bro, best of luck to you but mainly your wife, she has it rough.

oh yeah, name her olga, thats a beautiful name
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