So, those of you who play with me on our wonderful CEVO/stock rotation server will know that I rarely use any other gun than the awp. As much as I love the gun and it greatness, I think there should be a restriction implemented so it can't be bought until there is 10 people in the server for the standard 5 on 5 play. My reasoning is that this a new server, and thus not as popular as the older one. Quite often it is just HBC, Budgy and myself duking it out for a couple of maps until a few people join up. While the server is still in its unpopular phase, I notice often we get people join up, die once from an awp and immediately leave. This increases our difficulty of keeping the server populated before the peak hours. As much as it breaks my heart, I have to speak out against my gun until the allotted population requirement. Just a suggestion. Feedback?