AWP times

vinny paz

TD Admin
Hey guys, I just thought this needed to be brought up as it is Thursday.

Tonight at 6pm me and Steve witnessed the server drop from 18 playes to 8 on dust2, and the obvious reason was because regulars and non-regs were starting to get frustrated at being constantly awped.

When something noticeable as this is the cause of the drop in population then I think necessary steps be taken ON THE SPOT, eliminating the extreme threat of server DE-population. We NEED population control. If that happens then the awp should be switched off until a good steady population grows, then it could make its glorious return. Otherwise it could hurt more than help.

Now some of the awp-lovers are gonna say stuff like "we need the awp, it's tradition" or anything similar, keep in mind that I'm not proposing the awp night is taken away, but rather that we admins are more leniant about when it should be brought out, due to a lack of people playing. Either hold off, or keep it on so that awpers can awp in a place where there is no one left to awp.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
I dont get it some servers die when theres awps but servers with 24/h awps do fine...ionno kinda wierd

Limiting them to 1 per team is a good idea

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
I dont get it, some servers die when theres awps but servers with 24/h awps do fine...ionno kinda wierd
True, but in the case of TD, there are a lot of people who join and stay because of the no-AWP policy. I certainly wouldn't play on Darkly if there were AWPs 24/7. Fuck, I don't even play on Thursdays from 6pm-midnight. Especially with that $tve motherfucking AWP whore MySpace masturbator.


TD Admin
I dont get it some servers die when theres awps but servers with 24/h awps do fine...ionno kinda wierd

Limiting them to 1 per team is a good idea

That's because 24/7 awp servers are populated by those who enjoy the gayness of using an awp :).
Personally I'm against it and usually Thursday I'm not on because of it.
All it takes is a mofo camper that knows how to use it to fck the whole team.

I would gladly play on a server where the whole ct team is using scouts because I have more chances of surviving then to play against a team with 1 or 2 awps. All it takes is a fcking lucky shoot and a gay spot from the other side of the map and your done.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
I think we should limit the amount of AWPs per team... so if there is say less than 20 people in the server, there should only be 1 awp per team.... 20-30 people on, 2 awps.... 30+ people on, 3 awps per team....

it is a lot of work but admins are usually on during this time and it wouldn't be too hard to enforce.

whatcha think?
". 30+ people on, 3 awps per team.... "

Just that part I don't agree with. Too dominating even if we had a 40 person server.

It's weird, b/c I meant to post from last Thursday, that I got on around 8:30pm and the server has almost full and stayed that way until past midnight when I got off.

Strange. maybe make it 8pm-12pm only, 1-2 AWPs/team as per Spinny's suggest.(20-full is 2 awps)


TD Admin
I think spinny has a good idea going...I would suggest any admin with wep restriction use their judgment to determine how many awps (up to 2) should be allowed.

If it is 6pm and there are only 6-10 ppl playing, maybe the admin should not enable any awps UNTIL population grows to atleast 16+ players. At which point enabling 1 awp per team might be alright. If population grows to 25+ the 2nd awp could be enabled for both teams.

If say there are 16 ppl playing, 1 awp enabled for both teams and server population drops below 10 again, remove the awp. Likewise when 25+ drops below 20 players remove one awp.

Does that make sense?
Dynamic and Admin intensive, but it makes sense.
Can you guys handle that?
Thursday's are my night out with the boys from work,(last yr it started, so no, not when the AWP night began), so I'm usually not home until 8pm. Do the dishes, vacuum the house, paint the downstairs, so I'm usually not on until 8:30pm. :o


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
you do those three tasks in 30 minutes kirock??! damn those are WTF BBQ cleaning HAX!!!


Former TD Member
I never play AWP night.

The amount of kills/deaths I get from AWP's are about that of Steve's Iq.... Zero.


2012 Troll of the Year
Thats because you're too hammered playing big buck hunter. You can't fool me butters, if you weren't out with they boys, you'd be awping double doors on dust2.

I've been playing online games with you since the dawn of time, I know your schedule:

Thursday nights out with the boys playing big buck hunter.
Friday: Sucking a little dick to pay for your internets
Saturday: After the STD clinic, go bake cakes for moms.

BTw, your mom is a very nice lady.

you do those three tasks in 30 minutes kirock??! damn those are WTF BBQ cleaning HAX!!!

Yep and every Thursday night I paint the downstairs. :)
I'm such a lir!

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Thats because you're too hammered playing big buck hunter. You can't fool me butters, if you weren't out with they boys, you'd be awping double doors on dust2.

I've been playing online games with you since the dawn of time, I know your schedule:

Thursday nights out with the boys playing big buck hunter.
Friday: Sucking a little dick to pay for your internets
Saturday: After the STD clinic, go bake cakes for moms.

BTw, your mom is a very nice lady.



TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Big Buck Hunter? Is that what he tells you? He really means Big Butt Hunter, and he plays it with his boys alllllll niight longggg :D


TD Admin
I have to say the 2 reasons i even played here at the start, were because A) decent ping, toronto being resonably close to my home, and B) No AWP/Auto.

I have no problems living with the AWP one night a week. Autos, i would never join if they came in the mix, but anyway I feel that if the server population is at risk because people dont like playing with the AWP period, I think this should be taken heavily into consideration.