Awp Night

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
i hate awps, but awpnight is cool for the people who love awp... it's only 6 hours a week.. biiig deal

i think it's great we provide something to look forward to for the TD massive... respect, one love


TD Member
At the very least if your going to post pone awp night from 6 to 9, then at least extend the hours from 12 to 3 am.

At the very very least, but it should stay the way it is now as it always has been.


TD Member
should be fine since the server name says that awp night is only once a week but i agree if non regulars leave because of the awp, shorten the time or postpone it until we can consistently get people in the server

if you're itching to use the awps theres like 1000000 other servers that have awp all the time for now


TD Admin | Bacon
I disagree.

While the population did die out for a hour or so, before long we were back up to 20 players.

We finished awp night on office with roughly 12 players on each side, the map before (pira i believe) also had plenty of players on the map and plenty of awp whores to go along with it.

The server is usually dead by midnight on week nights from my experience, last night at midnight the server was very much alive and kicking.

AWP night has always been apart of the TD server, and while i understand that some of you dislike awp night, there are a few of us that highly enjoy it.

Please do not remove/reduce awp night time because of 1 questionable night. We have always done fine otherwise.

we got back up to 20 + because i rebanned the awp and went to dust2....then regulars came on so we were able to maintain


TD Member
I disagree.

While the population did die out for a hour or so, before long we were back up to 20 players.

We finished awp night on office with roughly 12 players on each side, the map before (pira i believe) also had plenty of players on the map and plenty of awp whores to go along with it.

The server is usually dead by midnight on week nights from my experience, last night at midnight the server was very much alive and kicking.

AWP night has always been apart of the TD server, and while i understand that some of you dislike awp night, there are a few of us that highly enjoy it.

Please do not remove/reduce awp night time because of 1 questionable night. We have always done fine otherwise.

we got back up to 20 + because i rebanned the awp and went to dust2....then regulars came on so we were able to maintain

Maybe it had to do with the map and not the awp itself.

You can't know the exact factor if you change multiple large factors at once.

Besides, how many successful awp nights has TD had over the past several months? Plenty!! Why should ONE NIGHT out of over a HUNDRED be the judge for whether or not the awp stays?

Give it a few more regular awp nights at the very least to see if this trend holds up.


TD Admin
MR, ur not seein the large scope here. ol' TD was fine with thursday awp nite but many past regulars don't know bout n the server yet. The awp night has been hurting server population whereas before it wasn't a big deal. What some BHA is tryin to say is that we should stop awp nights for now til we get a full and complete group of regulars before we start old traditions. We all love awps cuz we know buckshot is a whore wid scout n the only kill we can get on him is wid an awp ;b


2012 Troll of the Year
Its a touchy subject, because AWPS tend to reverse gameplay. I love steve to itty bitty bits, but I gotta side with MR, and lets see this through the trend.


TD Admin
AWP should b enabled for the whole day

Im glad you read the thread and understand why we are talking about this.


doesnt matter what is said in this thread. Besides I read most of it. Just throwing in my 2 cents, is that not allowed?

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
AWP should b enabled for the whole day

Im glad you read the thread and understand why we are talking about this.


doesnt matter what is said in this thread. Besides I read most of it. Just throwing in my 2 cents, is that not allowed?

Shut up before i feed you to my snake David!!! <3
History of AWP Night:
2 yrs ago TD had 2 CAL-O teams struggling to be competitive. The AWP dominates game play in CAL, TD had no AWPs ever. A nasty thread broke out about allowing AWPs in TD so the CAL team members could get some real practice. The solution was suggested, by Kirock, to create AWP night. Everybody loved the idea and it became a feature of TD.

My take: It doesn't HAVE to stay, if the community wants it gone, it's gone. But, let's not panic just yet. I would like to see, as MR has suggested, a bit more of a trend before we kill a pretty successful tradition.


Edit: *sigh* typos


TD Admin
Thats right Kirock and it turned out not to bad. May I suggest if the sever population dies off during AWP hours that we set a minimum player level, say 12 or 14 as a start. Any less and an admin post a ma_say that AWP's will be restricted until player min is reached. Or try enabling one AWP.
It is part of the game.


TD Admin
Besides, how many successful awp nights has TD had over the past several months? Plenty!! Why should ONE NIGHT out of over a HUNDRED be the judge for whether or not the awp stays?
Just to point out the obvious: no, there has not been nearly 100 awp nights.

Anyway, awp night should stay. This should be one of those things up to the admins online at the time. If population is down, set to D2 and restrict the awp. Oh, and are we sticking with 2 per team?


TD Member
Besides, how many successful awp nights has TD had over the past several months? Plenty!! Why should ONE NIGHT out of over a HUNDRED be the judge for whether or not the awp stays?
Just to point out the obvious: no, there has not been nearly 100 awp nights.


I thought about that after i had posted, but i was too lazy to change it and was biding my luck hoping the whole awp thing had been going on for over 100 nights. Seems it has been for 2 years and i believe there is like 56 weeks in a year or close?

So not over a few months, but over the entire awp night history, i believe over 100 nights have been achieved if my math is correct, but since i have no idea how many weeks are in a year i don't really know.


TD Admin | Bacon
9-3 instead of 6-12

1. We have more Regs on later to keep the server thriving
2. gives the people who like to awp and have school/work til later on that night a chance to play with it.

I've always thought it ending at 12 was sorta gay(11 for me, and i work or have school till 10 on thusdays most of the time :( )


TD Admin | Bacon
Oh, and are we sticking with 2 per team?



Former TD Member
Get that shit off the server by 1am at the latest.

That's when I get back from drinking with the boys.

PS: Make a poll...
6-12, 7-1, 8-2, 9-3, 6-1, ECT ECT ECT..
Do nothing until after next Thursday, let's see if this trend holds true. If true, then go nuts sorting out a new time, or canceling it altogether or changing it to a new night/time or w/e.

Does CAL allow autosnipe? I don't recall. Maybe it becomes AWPS&AUTOs Weekends from Noon to 6pm to bring in a new crowd. Nothing is written in stone. ;)