Awp Night


TD Admin | Bacon
as much as it pains me to say this, I think for a while we either have to remove awp night all together or shorten it from 6-12 to 9-12. just a bit ago we killed the population in 2 maps from 26 players to 2 when we enabled awps. I love the awp and will miss my 6 hours with it a week but really for the better of the server we need to cancel it for a few weeks or at very least shorten it.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
I'm not a big fan of the AWP because BMAN and Buckshot rape me a new asshole everytime they use it. But no, awps in general i dont like, if you are a pro, you should be able to do good with the scout. Awp is cheap.
Yeah, I always finish up my homework and get excited because it's time to play CS:S. I jump in my 'fav' server (TD) and go "FUCK! It's awp night... I Hate AWPS. AWPS GAVE MY GRANDMOTHER AIDS!" Though luckily, it didn't matter, as she died of natural causes. That's beside the point.. I agree with all this ^^^^^

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Well i think its safe to say that AWP night will be no more at the rate this is going. So far everyone hate awps. Shoulda made a poll STEVEN.


TD Admin | Bacon
no no no we should NOT permanently remove awp night, just maybe for a few weeks have it start at 8 or 9 instead of 6.

You take my awp night away from me for good ill cut of your balls and let you bleed out!


TD Admin
We should still allow AWPs, but as Steve said, at a later time when more of the regulars are on. 9PM-midnight sounds good to me.


TD Admin | Bacon
AWP should b enabled for the whole day

Im glad you read the thread and understand why we are talking about this.

Yeah, I kind of got caught up in my grandmother's aids last post, but I do think that a shortening of the awp night would be beneficial to server population while stemming the flow of aids to extended family members. All around it's a very good idea.


TD Member
I disagree.

While the population did die out for a hour or so, before long we were back up to 20 players.

We finished awp night on office with roughly 12 players on each side, the map before (pira i believe) also had plenty of players on the map and plenty of awp whores to go along with it.

The server is usually dead by midnight on week nights from my experience, last night at midnight the server was very much alive and kicking.

AWP night has always been apart of the TD server, and while i understand that some of you dislike awp night, there are a few of us that highly enjoy it.

Please do not remove/reduce awp night time because of 1 questionable night. We have always done fine otherwise.


I'm New Here
well like everyone else i hate getting awped, but when i see one on the ground i pick it up and start to use it, so im with Stve and Narf when they say shorten awp night into 3 Hours calling it awp time....Lol