Ok...follow this link:
Now this link will bring you to the HLSTATSX:CE (Community Edition) webpage's "Players Rankings". How did we get to this link manually?
A) Go to Toronto Darkly Homepage
B ) Cick HLstatsX on the top banner
C) Select Counter-Strike: Source (under the 3 game options)
D) Under the 'sections' category at the top, click 'players'
E) Click my name or TD Hoob's name (as an example) and notice the difference between the two when you click on either page...he has a player profile picture, and I do not.
F) I am trying to get this very profile picture to show up (and this is the white "?" and black square border that I speak of if you click on my name). It has nothing to do with the Toronto Darkly homepage avatar.
G) Thank you for finally understanding.