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I'm New Here
I don't know if there is any autobalance at all but I think there should be if there's not! A lot of the times the teams are like 15-12 or something and one team has a huge advantage. Wen one team is losing real bad a lot of people tend to leave the server so autobalance should help even out the teams and make the game more fair and fun.

Its a pretty important part of the server and should either be fixed if there is one, or else one should be put in the server

Just a thought :)
btw ... TF2 was kickass tonight to all who were in the server :P


Professional Cocksucker
Ye i dont think it is prop. I played last night and the teams were uneven by 3+- players for quite some time once people started leaving.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Yeah it doesn't work properly.... this is what seems to be killing the server... one team gets trounced and then people start leaving until its like 15-10... there should be an admin command for just auto-mixing the players on each team...

also, those [Rage] guys (who are Mexicans) all join up on the same team like fags... there shouldn't even be a team select for TF2... should just auto assign right away.

Also, please get rid of the CP maps, they also kill the server instatly.... 24 HOUR PAYLOAD!!!


TD Admin | Bacon
The auto balance doesnt work, but the good news is that admin swap does work.

So our boys just need to stay on top of their game.

I second removing all the CP maps.


Staff member
only issue I can see with auto balance is switching engineers after they built up shit.

Ba Chicka Wa Wa

TD Member
I was on another server for a little with brains and biop and they have this thing if a certain team won like 2 or 3 in a row it would do a full team scramble it was cool
ya, i like biops idea. he says if no one willing switches teams, he just takes the top guy on the team with the most players and moves him to the other team. i think its a good way of doing things. but there isnt always an admin in there so it does get tough. i was playing last night and the auto balance wasnt working. is there a glitch?
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