BANNED Ashley Laine✖_✖ - 76561198083978195

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TF2 Staff
|steamID: DARKLY | DoubleJumper
|steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50185394

|steamID: Ashley Laine✖_✖
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:61856233


i tried to get screen shots of the trade and the chat but messed up... but heres a record of the trade

she suddenly sent me a trade request and asked me if i was selling... she ask to see it and when i showered her everything she asked if i took cash... i asked her about it cause i knew nothing about that sort of thing... she told me that she would just transfer the money into my account... i asked her to do it first and she gave me some story that steam had to see the items before she could transfer... i could feel something was wrong and it was stupid to accept... she said she would give me 30 dollars... and so i traded and she got the items... i waited for the money that never came and suddenly someone called her out over the voice chat explaining she was scamming and when i hear what she was doing i realized i got scammed... i tried filling out a report earlier but couldnt find the information to fill the report out.


TD Admin / Wanker
This person has now been Tagged as a Scammer on SteamRep.
2 Alternate accounts were also found on this persons IP Address which have also been tagged.

Thanks again for reporting, DoubleJumper.
This person has now been Tagged as a Scammer on SteamRep.
2 Alternate accounts were also found on this persons IP Address which have also been tagged.

Thanks again for reporting, DoubleJumper.
DARKLY | DoubleJumper Never, ever, ever, accept random requests unless you know where the user came from. If you can't verify it, use a Middlemann.

All the information you need is here. I'm not sure how you could have missed that.
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