[APPROVED] tinyClark Application for Admin

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TD Member
Game Handle(s): tinyClark
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:10709889
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: BlackPulse | DARKLY
Real First Name: Matt
Location: CT - USA
Favorite Games: CS:S TF2 L4D2 COD:MW2
Interests: Computers | Programming | Gaming | Robotics
Why do you want to have admin?
I want to have admin to stop all of those Mic Spamming, Wall Hacking, Aim Botting, Vulgar Spraying POS's that play on the servers.... I have been on numerous times and come across variations of all of these people, where i have warned them and reported them, as well as having admins block them. I would like to be able to just be able to get them out of the server as soon as possible to make a better gaming experience for other to stop them from ragequitting with the hackers playing -.- I do not currently have admin on any server, but the servers that I primarily play are CS:S GunGame and CS:S Crackhouse. I have played in the TF2 Servers some, and joined and warned when i see reports come across on the chat, so admin for those would be great, but is not necessary if others are actively monitoring, however i do plan on becoming more active in all these servers.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play? Yessir I Do.
Are you active on the forums? Indeed.
Do you have a mic? Mhmmmmm.
Are you in good standing with the community? Unless bad conversations about me occur while i am not around... i do believe so xD
Are you at least 18 years of age? That I am.
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