[APPROVED] The King Of Facade application

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The King Of Facade

TF2 Trade Admin
Game Handle(s): The King Of Facade
SteamID: TheKingOfFacade
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: N/A
Real First Name: Tom
Age: 18
Location: rainy old England (Yorkshire to be precise)
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: DARKLY | Chicago TF2 Trade Server #1
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: It would be nice to be affiliated to a community that I a'm actually very active in rather than a small time clan to which I never communicate with. I also need to feel like I belong...y'know, 'cus daddy never hugged me.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 50 hours of play?
Are you active on the Community Forums?
No, I only signed up to apply, although I am active on SPUF (Is that even a good thing?)
Do you have a working mic?
Are you in good standing with the Community?
I'd certainly like to think so, if not only for my accent (I'm often greeted by most regular non-admins)
Are you at least 18 years of age?


TD Admin

I also need to feel like I belong...y'know, 'cus daddy never hugged me.

Here you will DEFINITELY get hugs and possibly even more than you bargained for. Steve is our lead on recruitment in the TF2 servers so we'll have him look out for you (I imagine the time difference might be difficult). Otherwise stick around and enjoy the ambiance so we can get to know you better. In the meantime we encourage you to rock the DARKLY tag all night long!


2012 Troll of the Year

1) The states isn't a country its more a hegemony of stupids. I, being from Africa, are the one true country.

2) All TD members from the states are still in their lifelong probationary term, so their country of origin plays no part.

The King Of Facade

TF2 Trade Admin
The time difference isn't that bad of an incovnenience, I'm normally up till 12:00-1:00 on weekdays, and can be up till 6:00am+ on weekends seen as I don't work weekends. Additional when I get home from work, the Chicago servers (Can't say for TD since I rarely visit) are rather empty in the authority deparment you could almost call it "lawless".

On a similar note; It's nice to see no negative criticsms to my application as after looking at other applications namely Kato's, I expected to be pushed through a fine toothed comb, though I suppose it's rather earlier on in my application so that could come sooner.

Either way, thanks for the replies; it fills me with confidence...and butterflies 'n' junk.

The King Of Facade

TF2 Trade Admin
ohhh butterflies. I'm flying across the pond to come visit you. I expect tea and crumpets.

'tis only the stereotype for southern England that they enjoy tea and crumpets, we're a much more simple folk up north (Though the love for the monarchy is mutual wherever you are).

The King Of Facade

TF2 Trade Admin
Haggis? Spotted-dick (not of the STD variety)?

Too northern, heading into Scottish tradition now.

Root Vegetables and Yorkshire Puddings is more in the right area.
I bet you didn't know (=/= care) that West Yorkshire is England's, if not Europe's leading Rhubard producers! (Getting a bit off-topic now, no? I suppose a bump is a bump no matter how off topic.)


2012 Troll of the Year
I have a jesse ruggers friend who lives in England. Mean Green Joe... uh Green.

Good chum, broke his neck playing rugby so now all he does is drink beer and make funny jokes about it.

I'm not sure where I was going with this but... are you a wizard?


TD Admin
Too northern, heading into Scottish tradition now.

Root Vegetables and Yorkshire Puddings is more in the right area.
I bet you didn't know (=/= care) that West Yorkshire is England's, if not Europe's leading Rhubard producers! (Getting a bit off-topic now, no? I suppose a bump is a bump no matter how off topic.)

mmmmm rhubard pis is my favorite, one of my old chefs was from england he introduced me to yorkshire pudding. out of ingnorance i always tought it was a pudding, lol. his yorkshire puddings where the bomb tho, stood like 12 inches tall, i cant get mine to rise that much, i think i need a better mixer

The King Of Facade

TF2 Trade Admin
Yeah, we should like totally get this guy in. He's like always in the server and stuff and everybody loves him and his giant sexual organ. Would help clean up Chicago which has been kinda neglected recently, in my...I mean..err..his time playing anway. What?...No...ofcourse it's not me!..I'm his..twin? Yeah that works. I'm his twin and you should certainly get this guy. Anyway, I've got to go do y'know...twin stuff.
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