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Game Handle(s):prince of pot, prince charming, prince demigod, the real rocknrolla,
SteamID 0:0:15432944 02:39 75 0
VAC Status: in good standing
Previous Clan/Community affiliations:none
Real Name:Charlie
Favorite Games:CSS, Crysis, Battlefield bc2,COD series, left 4 dead2Game Handle(s):

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play?
Are you active on the forums?
Do you have a mic?
Are you in good standing with the community?
Are you at least 19 years of age?
Interests:GAMING!!! FPS ....
Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly?To join the community ive been on the fringe of for sometime now.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play?y
Are you active on the forums?y
Do you have a mic?y
Are you in good standing with the community?y
Are you at least 19 years of age?y


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Are you active on the forums?y

Registered Member #733
Joined: Tue Apr 06 2010, 10:15PM
Posts: 1 <----------- ????


TD Member
if your not active on the forums just say so there are a few TDers who never use the forums just be honest about it dont say yes with 1 post
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