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    Guest, Ban Appeal threads are for the player appealing and the banning Admin to respond to. All other posts will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.

EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

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I'm New Here
hello darkly

I'm a long time user of darkly servers.

I remember way back when tf2 trading was in its glory days and darkly had all of about 3 admins who lurked in the shadows and would hardly react to even the most annoying micspammers...
I remember when basicly every server was totally full for about 23 hours a day...

but recently, I regret to say I have been apalled by my experiances on your servers.

recently I've had people with darkly tags, and even people with admin tags trade me, tell me what I should be selling an item for, and expect me to sell it for that price. (the guy with the admin tag left the server very quickly when I pointed out it was up to me what price I choose to sell my items for in voice chat...)

but my experiance tonight has trumped it all.
after trading with someone with a darkly tag and being plesently surprized that he didnt attempt to tell me that to sell my items for I complemented him on the fact which would seem to have prompted a negative responce from one of your admins (darkly|fiend i beleave his name was).

after a slight argument with him it came down to him threatoning a ban and me asking him to provide prove his adminship. seeing no admin tags in the chat, and as a darkly user knowing that there are many people with darkly tags who are not admins, I challenged him on the issue.
He then aparently became mad and banned me.

I've always had a certin affinity for darkly servers, but unfortunatly will probaby never be back due to all the recent abuse... but I just wanted you all to know from a long-time user that, unfortunatly, I am deeply dissapointed with what you have become.

I truely hope that you can regain your former glory, unfortunatly I may not be around to see it...

thankyou for your time.


I'm New Here
oh.. and if that wasnt enough right after the incient he added me on steam for some odd reason... likely to attempt to prevent me from posting a compaint.
I dont take kindly to admin abuse.


TD Admin
Sorry to hear about this, can you post names next time because they might be imposters and will help us get rid of them. screen shot also as back up and chat logs.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
oh.. and if that wasnt enough right after the incient he added me on steam for some odd reason... likely to attempt to prevent me from posting a compaint.
I dont take kindly to admin abuse.
Do you have screenshots or demos of what was said?


I'm New Here
most of the conversations took place over voice chat, likely to prevent me providing any proof...

I think im done tho, if this is what darkly has become I want no part of it.

feel free to contact me on steam if you require more info.


TD Admin
most of the conversations took place over voice chat, likely to prevent me providing any proof...

I think im done tho, if this is what darkly has become I want no part of it.

feel free to contact me on steam if you require more info.
We could have done something, If you had something to show. We try our best to keep the TF2 servers clean as possible from scammers/spammers etc. Can't really go off anything with no screen shots or names etc.


Senior TF2 Admin
First, let me say that your history with Darkly is appreciated. However, you cynicism and overall bad-mouthing of Darkly as your were doing on the microphone is not. You said that you disliked the Darkly servers, the Darkly group in it's current form and were putting down the current admins that Darkly has.You said you were surprised that someone with a Darkly tag didn't tell you what to sell your items for. I simply stated that we quote the average market value agreed upon by a majority of the community based on backpack.tf and Spreadsheet. You took exception to that and stated that you should be allowed to sell your items for what YOU think they are. I said i agreed, but we provide the prices from the 2 previously mentioned resources because that's what the normal average going rate is currently. For some reason, this made you more angry and you kept repeating yourself. Ultimately, i said it sounds like you're upset because we provide those prices and it stops you from being able to essentially shark individuals because they are educated on accepted prices. And that is exactly how it sounded.

Your continual bashing of Darkly through the conversation, both members and admins alike, was enough to remove you from the server. Based on your history that you claimed with Darkly, i gave you the benefit of the doubt. Then you started telling me that i wasn't an admin and claimed i was impersonating an admin. You claimed that you know everyone in Darkly and i was not what i claimed to be. I told you that you were about to be banned for your constant nonsense and you told me to do it. You also told me you would come here and complain, which you did, and i told you i hoped that you would. I then enforced the ban that i informed you of and that you asked for.

If you're going to come to the forums and state your case. Please state the whole case. There are 2 sides. If my sharking comment upset you, then you have my apologies. I can honestly say after our discussion about the prices and the price resources, you sounded incredibly shady. People on the server also agreed and started getting on mic asking you to stop talking, in general.

As i stated in the beginning, your history with Darkly (which i haven't verified yet) is appreciated, without a doubt. However, it doesn't put you above the server rules. It doesn't give you permission to come to the Darkly servers and start bashing the members and admins of this community. If you decide not to come back, that's your decision and you get to make that call. I was willing to reduce the ban that i processed to just 1 day based on how your report here was presented. If there was any sort of apology or apologetic tone in your complaint regarding the comments you made about Darkly, the ban reduction would have been processed with the understanding that you can't come to a Darkly server and bash the community and it's admins without facing repercussions. Unfortunately, there was no sense of sincerity or regret regarding any of the things you said about Darkly, so i have reservations in considering a reduction.

Our entire interaction was on mic, which is unfortunate because that means there is no chat log. I was on the server idling so i never set anything up to record. I didn't expect an interaction like this to take place and that's my fault. I know better for next time.


I'm New Here
I came here to ammend my previous statement... feel free to add me on steam if your not fiend. I have no interest in talking to abusive admins.

but now that I see your statement I wish to clear up a few things as you changing the facts to make yourself look good.

I never "claimed you were impersonating an admin"
Ive been on darkly servers before and seen people with green admin tags. If you choose to disable those tags and not proclaim you adminship in a noticable way then I'm not willing to give you the respect an admin deserves.

I asked you to type something in chat to prove your adminship but you choose to take advantage of your abilitys and hide that fact to give yourself a lame excuse to issue me a ban and show your e-penis to everyone in the server.
I dont take that crap.
end of story.

also, since when is saying negative things about darkly a bannable offence? I remember enduring hours of micspam in your servers with no admins in sight and staying loyal... and I wasnt even technically saying negative things about darkly in chat. I was saying that the person in question was NOT using their darkly tag to their advantage to convince people to sell them things for the price they want... it was a compliment towards that perticular member of the community because I was happy to see that darkly still had some respectable members other then the select people that I personally know... but you were more then happy to prive me wrong.... thankyou.

In my opinion you have NO buisness whatsoever being an admin on these servers and you make me embarassed to have ever been associated with darkly. and that is why I blocked you when you attemtped to add me, likely assuming a ban would intimidate me.
but I dont play that game.

and I thereby amend my previous statement to "if anyone other then feind needs aditional info feel free to contact me." (as he is no onger able to)
thankyou for your time.


TD Admin
I don't know, I am tired


Ways to get scammed: Never trust people saying:
-Trading games for items!, they will ask you to give your items first, and they act nice, add you and built up trust, When you give your items, they will break all contact with you, and they won't give the game..
-Trading 1 item for 9 or more items, because all these items don't fit in 8 boxes, you will need more trades, so he or she wants to have your items first, and promises to give the other items in the second trade.
-Description and nametagged items, For example: They will rename a vintage hat to an unusual hat: Vintage Bonk Helmet -> Unusual Bonk Helmet, The trade screen warns for this saying: This item is a renamed Vintage bonk helmet. Always pay attention.
-Quick Changing, They will have an vintage or unusual or genuine item (better than non vintage), and a normal item. When you are prepared to give allot for this, and both of you are ready to trade (example: you trade 3 non vintage hats for a vintage kabuto), he will change the vintage kabuto to a duplicate, non vintage kabuto. And again, The trade screen will give a warning that he removed the vintage kabuto and added a normal kabuto, so always pay attention and you can prevent getting scammed.
- Gift wrap scam, He will trade you and say he has a gift wrapped item because it's non tradeable, so he wants items from you first, and then he would give the giftwrapped item to you, but he won't. Since a certain patch ,you can now put giftwrapped items in the trade boxes, so if someone offers this to you, ask him to do that.
nvmd the other post.


TD Admin / Wanker
also, since when is saying negative things about darkly a bannable offence?
Rules are found here: http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/threads/8156/
2. Disrespecting DARKLY will not be tolerated.
Don't like our servers? Don't like the way the server is run or administrated? Then don't play here. Do notexpect us to standby and let you badmouth our community, Admins, or players.​

I remember enduring hours of micspam in your servers with no admins in sight and staying loyal...
All it takes is for someone to contact an Admin, or post on the forums, and then Mic Spammers will be dealt with.
There is no need to endure 'hours of micspam'.


Senior TF2 Admin
Tf2 is a free market, admins should not be telling players what they can and cannot sell an item for.

Correct. See my statement that says that we quote bp.tf and spreadsheet prices to let people know what the current market value is considered. I also stated that people have the right to sell their items for whatever they think they are worth.

I never "claimed you were impersonating an admin"
Ive been on darkly servers before and seen people with green admin tags. If you choose to disable those tags and not proclaim you adminship in a noticable way then I'm not willing to give you the respect an admin deserves.

I asked you clearly if you thought i was impersonating an admin and you answered yes. Most DARKLY admins hide their tags when they are on the servers to try and weed out scammers, sharks, mic spams, offensive sprays etc.. So it's not uncommon to see an admin not wearing their chat tag. I am no different.

also, since when is saying negative things about darkly a bannable offence? I remember enduring hours of micspam in your servers with no admins in sight and staying loyal... and I wasnt even technically saying negative things about darkly in chat. I was saying that the person in question was NOT using their darkly tag to their advantage to convince people to sell them things for the price they want... it was a compliment towards that perticular member of the community because I was happy to see that darkly still had some respectable members other then the select people that I personally know... but you were more then happy to prive me wrong.... thankyou.

The bashing of DARKLY came after you said you were surprised that a DARKLY tagged individual didn't tell you what to sell your item for. The initial compliment to the user was a back-handed insult to the community. Afterwards, you proceeded to make comments about DARKLY, how you dislike the current community, the admins and the servers. The problems you had with me personally don't affect me in the least. I am and was focused on the bad-mouthing of our community and servers.

In my opinion you have NO buisness whatsoever being an admin on these servers and you make me embarassed to have ever been associated with darkly. and that is why I blocked you when you attemtped to add me, likely assuming a ban would intimidate me.
but I dont play that game.

You are entitled to your opinion about me. Normally, most people that get banned are angry at the admin that processed the ban. I added you to make sure you had the website to process your complaint if you'd like. Again, i told you to please come here and file your complaint if you'd like while we were on the servers. It's a behavior i've been doing since becoming an admin when processing a ban.

I've apologized for things that i may have said while we discussed the pricing that may have upset you. You've continued your consistent flaming of me without addressing the flaming you did about this community. Again, you are entitled to your opinion about me, but you do not have the right to come to the DARKLY server and bash the DARKLY community and DARKLY admins. No one does.


I'm New Here
ya... feind. I hear you reduced my ban for 1week to 1day... likely because you know you were totally unjust in banning me and now realize that you have seriously offended a long-time darkly user.

this wil not sway me. I told you in the server if you banned me I wouldnt drop it and I wont be forgetting this any time soon.
I didnt like it when darkly banned my friends when they gave up on your servers over a year ago...
I didnt like it when your admins tried to tell me what price to sell my items for(not talking about just fiend here)...
but banning me for expressing my opinion is about it for me.

I have probably spent more time in darkly servers then you've spent playing tf2 and I havent even asked for adminship because I thought that I wouldn't make an apropriate admin... maybe I should have...
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