• Guest, if you wish to appeal your ban, please read these threads first:

    READ ME DARKLY Ban Appeal Template + READ ME DARKLY Server Rules

    Guest, Ban Appeal threads are for the player appealing and the banning Admin to respond to. All other posts will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.

EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

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I'm New Here
wanted to check back to see if anyone actually cared here... I guess its just a lost cause. thanks for the abuse. bye.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
jamiebush I tried to read most of this thread but might have skipped a few posts.

First of all, you keep making accusations that people with the DARKLY tag doing this and that. May I remind you that the DARKLY tag is open to everyone, it is a mean for traders/players to show their support for the community, so we have no control if someone rocking the DARKLY tag does something shady. http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/threads/darkly-the-community-tag-open-to-all.4610/

Secondly, we take pride in our servers and in choosing our admins. Unfortunately, most of us here at DARKLY, a name that originated from Toronto Darkly, don't play TF2. We are primarily a CSS/CSGO community. Not to say we don't care about TF2 and what happens on the servers, but rather that we're not on the servers or know what goes down on a regular basis. Yes we have put our senior TF2 admins in charge of the servers, and of deciding who gets granted admin, because they are the ones who frequent the servers. Those admins are in charge because they are trustworthy and responsible. Also understand that, like everyone else, they have lives too, they cannot be on the servers 24/7. If our regular admins are doing things they should not be doing, people need to report it. Several ex-admins lost their admins and were banned from our servers in the past for abusing their powers and doing shady shit. So sitting here complaining about all your bad experiences over the years, and blaming us for it is nonsense, why did you not come when they were happening and complained then, they would have been dealt with.

Thirdly, the reason why the admin process is lengthy is because we want to make sure those people have a good head on their shoulders and can be trusted with this responsibility. One way of doing that is to ask the applicants to be active on the forums so we can get to know them. You make reference to your friend bailing after 4 months of waiting. Let me tell you that we don't ban people because they don't want to play here anymore. Your friend went ahead and started his own servers, great, good for him. But I guarantee you that he wouldn't even be banned for that. Now if he ADVERTISED his new server on our servers, whether he did it over the mic, or by typing the IP in chat, THAT he would have gotten banned for. So if your buddy got started his own server and got banned, that means he also advertised on our servers.

5. Community And Clan Advertising / Recruiting:
DARKLY Gaming Network (DGN) servers and forums belong to DARKLY and its resident clan, Toronto Darkly (TD|). We do not allow any communities or clans to recruit or advertise on our servers or forums. DARKLY has built itself up since 2005 under its own strength without relying on having to steal players from other communities or servers.​
While we allow many communities and clans to play on our servers or use our forums, we will not tolerate anyone who abuses our hospitality. This includes advertising or recruiting on our forum, in-game on our servers, on our Mumble, in our Steam group, and through Steam messages to our players. Those caught doing so will receive a permanent ban.​
The only exception to this rule is if permission is granted to you by the DGN Staff and/or Toronto Darkly.

Whether you will ever read this because you said you're done, meh. But it's good knowledge for anyone who ever reads this thread in the future, plus I just felt like typing lol.


Death by Darkly
jamiebush Disrespecting DGN and its administration and affiliates has always been a ban-able server policy. Regardless of other events that transpired, disrespect towards DGN, its players, and it's staff will result in repercussions. Period. Violation of server guidelines has consequences, and not being aware of these guidelines does not make you exempt.

Now, if there is a problem regarding an abusive admin, unfair enforcement, or anything similar, then we'd certainly like to hear it; we take such matters very seriously. However, from your very first post, instead of seeking a solution you have only placed blame, accusations, and further disrespected DGN. Do not expect respect if you fail to provide it yourself. Commenting that our servers will never gain back your "affinity", threatening to leave the servers, and accusing administrators of having "NO buisness whatsoever being an admin on these servers" is fine, you're entitled to say what you please, but do not expect such comments to in any way solve the issue you've presented.

If you wish to establish a solution to the issue you presented then compose yourself, make a respectable post and we'll be happy to help and sort it out with you. If you wish to appeal your ban, then next time file an actual appeal. If you wish to complain and disrespect us further, then please leave.
I'm going to lock this now.

jamiebush It would be wise if you read through Low Budget and Gatherix's replies, for they actually have some sense, and sanity, unlike your posting. I had to take some pills after reading all of the sensible bullshit you have posted. It makes no sense, you have no evidence to back it up, this was a 'Ban appeal' that you used to make your biased, untrue lies on. I looked at the server logs and it appears you were the cause of the 'problem' that resulted in your ban. The solution, which was obvious, was to remove you, which was done.

All admins here have acted accordingly and followed procedure, no abuse took place. In fact, it was your abusive behavior that wanted the server to remove you.

If you have any questions, feel free to make another thread, or add me, or any of the above admins, however, keep in mind, more shit-posting in a place to appeal bans will not be tolerated, if you have a complaint, there is a place for it. http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/forums/help-feedback.108/
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