any CEVO/ESEA players?

E|ement^ #Torontogaming

DARKLY Regular
who ever has either add me and we'll scrim/pug it up! I don't play on the MM servers because (IMO) the 64 tick really pisses me off with the horrible registry.


TD Member
I am on CEVO, but I don't frequent it because of toxic try-hards that put every one of your mistakes (or what they think are mistakes) under a microscope. Wouldn't mind playing with/against a friendly face though.
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E|ement^ #Torontogaming

DARKLY Regular
I hear ya! I'd enjoy playing with some good peeps. I started a cevo group called the try hards to mock all the super serious players that rage at other players when they don't do what the eager thinks he/she should do.

I really don't care for score or rank at this point. Just enjoy a good scrim.


TD Admin
I don't have either, but am interested in the concept. PUGs/Scrims are fun, but MM can fuck right off. My performance from MM to something like FaceIt is night and day, so ridiculous. Playing with people you're familiar with is always a bonus.

miss. aPHy. [s2]™

DARKLY Regular
I'm on cevo and esea... and I agree MM is ridiculous - I've encountered way to many cheaters too. It's hard to play serious on CEVO, I've noticed too many trolls on the client, but I still warm up there.