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Alllllmost back

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I should be getting my computer back tommorow! Meybe ill actually try and play some css on a computer! no more ipod O.o

Are you implying that you played css on an ipod?
And good news, I didn't know it broke? Fill me in!


2012 Troll of the Year
mine is near dying too I think, fan is running at 100% all day every day. I reapplied some thermal grease, but I think its dunner.

sigh, oh well.
yeah my power supply blew not sure if it was due to overheating or what but yeah it took out the motherboard with it. its just been an ordeal cause its like 3 years old and i didn't feel like buying completely new part. But ya its kinda working right now except for the part where it wont connect to my router??? It says it connects but when I look at the router info it doesn't say I am or that I have an Ip address? you guys know anything about that?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
a lan cable, I dont think my tower even has wireless...

after connecting for the first time, just open Internet Explorer, and it will auto-config shit...

If not, lemme know, there's two settings that be "Auto-Configure".