Alienware or Custom Build?


Senior TF2 Admin
Good points. I'll admit that Apple definitely was quite innovated with their products. However, I feel like they continue to repackage the same product but with some additional bells and whistles.
They're still leading the smartphone and digital media industry with all of their iProducts. A lot of the Apple fanboys would upgrade to a centimeter slimmer and taller phone for $300. *cough cough* iPhone 5 *cough cough*


TD Admin / Wanker
They're still leading the smartphone and digital media industry with all of their iProducts. A lot of the Apple fanboys would upgrade to a centimeter slimmer and taller phone for $300. *cough cough* iPhone 5 *cough cough*
Samsung Kicks Apples ass in the Phone market.
Samsung's new flagship phone, the Galaxy S4, has outsold the iPhone 5 in the US.

Haha, I have no doubt. Personally, I'll stick with my S3 though. It only came out less than a year ago, and it's WAY too early to upgrade! Maybe in the near future. I'm hoping when the S5(If thats what it's called) comes out, it will be radically different from the other models in ways we couldn't imagine =D


Retired Scrub
I love how this has turned into another debate :3

To get it back on topic, I still think that 14bux should custom build his PC :P


TD Admin
Go with custom, you'll definitely get more for the money. It doesn't takes a rocket science to put a computer together, everything is like plug and play.

Plus most hardware you buy, will comes with 2-3-5 years warranty from manufacture, and you can upgrade along the way.

Brands to go with
Motherboard: MSI, EVGA, ASUS, Gigabyte.
VideoCard: MSI, EVGA, ASUS, Gigabyte, Galaxy, XFX <--- gonna love their life time warranty.
Powersupply: Seasonic, Corsair, Coolermaster, EVGA
SSD: Sandisk, Samsung, Intel, crucial
RAM: Muskin, Kingston, Crucial, G.skill, Patriot,
Everything else is just personal preference.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
You probably don't need to hear from me, but I agree with everyone here: Custom build.
Just remember - Almost every plug/connector in a computer can only go in one spot. It's almost impossible to plug something into the wrong port. Just take your time, do some reading, and when you're ready to purchase/build/install - we're here, mate.


Staff member
Samsung's new flagship phone, the Galaxy S4, has outsold the iPhone 5 in the US.

Samsung Kicks Apples ass in the Phone market.

Yup for two months people have been buying the S4 rather then the 6 month old iPhone........ go figure :trollface:

S4 has sold 20 Million.
iPhone5 has sold over 55 Million.

Samsung has a ways to go before they catch up,

Just ignore that Samsung lost 10+ Billion in value,

but I'll pass on dropping like $500 for a phone that is basically the same but just slightly bigger =P.

Samsung is already looking to make a faster S4,

At the end of the day every Company sucks balls and just want your money.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin


DARKLY Regular
You probably don't need to hear from me, but I agree with everyone here: Custom build.
Just remember - Almost every plug/connector in a computer can only go in one spot. It's almost impossible to plug something into the wrong port. Just take your time, do some reading, and when you're ready to purchase/build/install - we're here, mate.

Well, you CAN plug stuff into the wrong spot, say ou try to force a cpu into a motherboard, it could bend the pins and there goes the cpu.

Haha, I have no doubt. Personally, I'll stick with my S3 though. It only came out less than a year ago, and it's WAY too early to upgrade! Maybe in the near future. I'm hoping when the S5(If thats what it's called) comes out, it will be radically different from the other models in ways we couldn't imagine =D

Exactly my thoughts, and I was just reading a news article the other day, apparently Samsung is the biggest manufacturer for apple's Micro chip, Touch screen and stuff.... I guess they are sponsoring their competitor haha.


Death by Darkly
Well, you CAN plug stuff into the wrong spot, say ou try to force a cpu into a motherboard, it could bend the pins and there goes the cpu.

You probably don't need to hear from me, but I agree with everyone here: Custom build.
Just remember - Almost every plug/connector in a computer can only go in one spot. It's almost impossible to plug something into the wrong port. Just take your time, do some reading, and when you're ready to purchase/build/install - we're here, mate.
Well, you CAN plug stuff into the wrong spot, say ou try to force a cpu into a motherboard, it could bend the pins and there goes the cpu.

Exactly my thoughts, and I was just reading a news article the other day, apparently Samsung is the biggest manufacturer for apple's Micro chip, Touch screen and stuff.... I guess they are sponsoring their competitor haha.
Hahah, I LOVE how off topic we are from the initial thread. Haha! I'll be honest, I hate Apple just cause. Haha, you can call me a hater I suppose! But I feel like Samsung does a better job with their products are a reasonable price.


Definitely get it custom built, and as the people above me said, go to , a great website with a LARGE selection. Make sure your power supply can actually supply everything you're buying though! Either way, custom built is ALWAYS the way to go. No questions asked. I personally built my own computer, and it's getting old. I need to rebuild another one and I'm planning to drop $2000 on this one. Get the best parts possible <3!

If you need help, I'm thinking the community is MORE than wanting to help you =D!


Senior TF2 Admin
Sorry I didn't respond for a while, but I'll update you guys on the parts I get.

Anywho, you can all go off topic again.