ACCEPTED Ajax Application [Admin Removed]

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I'm New Here
This player's Admin has been removed for abuse.

Previous Clan/Community affiliations: DARKLY​
Real First Name: Steve​
Location: New York, NY​
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: All of the trading ones, particularly Chicago #1​
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin:There are a lot of trolls that sprout up when no admins are on, I'll help clear that up when it occurs.​
Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 50 hours of play? Yes​
Are you active on the Community Forums? No, but I will be if recommended​
Do you have a working mic? No, but I can get one if necessary​
Are you in good standing with the Community? Yes​
Are you at least 18 years of age? Yes​
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