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TD Admin
Look guys here it goes, im very cool you all kno that, i dont complain or casue trouble, but i am espectfully requesting a solution to the hacking going on on our server, i would like to see an increased admin presence becasue frankily im getting tired of bullshit. I am venting, this is no disrespect to anyone but please help!!!

Your humble servant Rorschach-


TD Admin
Agreed Rorcshack ...or is it Rawshuck ... anyways. I am on enough to see it as well. I can't prove it ...I suspect that some of the hackers toggle ... I google steam id's on anyone that looks sketchy .. and if they have bans I question them in text why they were banned...but most don't respond or text back shit. Don't want to go on a ban rampage ...so just suck it up. Could use some experienced hax finders to kick some butt...my 2 or is 3 sense.

Fork Included

TD Admin
23 bans have been made this month.. That's good enforcement.

Granted not all are hack related but still.

It's hard to target smart hCkers, or noob hackers ( those that have walls but still suck) that join for an hour and then don't come back for a week. Given the judicial approach to our banning, I think we are doing very well.


TD Admin
If i got anyone rouled up on the thread I posted it was not my intention to do so, Again let me stress ADMINS and fellow TD members do a great job in our banning system I was just wishing for a little more admin presence, thats all. And if that cant be met no big deal. After all this is what forums are for right? Again just an adult conversation I'm starting nothing more!

Fork Included

TD Admin
No no I didn't mean to sound upset Rorschach

admin presence is an on and off thing, I know how you feel when no one is on and some jackass is hacking away

best thing to do in that situation is record their name or steam I'd and post it on the forums along with the time it happened, they can then use source TV to confirm and issue a ban


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
im online all the time, either in steam or in vent or both.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
so i am i... and 90% of the time theres an admin on the server
ppl need to get vent, or more steam friends


TD Admin
so i am i... and 90% of the time theres an admin on the server
ppl need to get vent, or more steam friends

yea someone made a thread a week or two ago and had one admin on their friends list add the admins to steam also if u post hacker on forum which takes 2 seconds by alt tabing ususaly theres always someone on forum as well

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Proof or GTFO.

Can't ban because they're sketchy, we gotta see it.

Rorshach, either PM admins, or post in Darkly Lounge who you think is bs and we'll watch. Simple/.


TD Admin
Yeah the other day there was a blatent hacker in the css pub, i pmed lowbudget and the kid was permed within 30 seconds. Theres always an admin on steam, so its pretty good.