• Guest, we are looking for good Team Fortress 2 Trade Server Staff Members

    TF2 Staff Members have access to in-game administrative abilities to aid in server control, and help in the development of Darkly TF2 as a whole


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DARKLY Regular
I kno you meant to say you are a shoe in-


Death by Darkly
I be see lots of apps in dis section waitin to be accepted or denied and some over a month alredy....how long do dis take? I be seein lots of bad people on dem servers lately and no many mods and admins to do stop these ppl. D:


Apps can take a considerable amount of time to process. Please note that apps not marked as "Under Review" are, surprise surprise, not under review.


I'm New Here
Oki doki, I have copied the template into my applercaton. YAY!
Apps can take a considerable amount of time to process. Please note that apps not marked as "Under Review" are, surprise surprise, not under review.
I understand Mr. admin. I just be thinkin to muh self that the servers be full of bad people that be spammin mic n chat butt no one be stopping them.
I tink der r vary meny people that have filed owt apps dat would make good mods and wuld hellp the servers now inclooding muh self. :)



TD Admin
Oki doki, I have copied the template into my applercaton. YAY!
I want to be an admin, thanks.
Game Handle(s):
Previous Clan/Community affiliations:
Real First Name:
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on:
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin:

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 60 hours of play?
Do you have a mic?
Are you in good standing with the community?
Are you at least 18 years of age?


TD Admin
This troll just needs to be banned in my opinion.
Considering his/her/it's lack of posting outside this thread...
I think this just needs to be tagged and locked to prevent them from posting anything else regarding it.

This dude (Doge) and admin don't belong in the same sentence unless if you put "is not" before it. :p


TD Admin / Wanker
Not to be mean, but please try to refrain from posting topics irrelevant to the thread. Thanks.

Hey Happy, I know you're trying to be nice and help...but please tone down the mini-modding.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the helpfulness, and it's great that you want to get involved...
But don't you think if it was a major problem one of us would have said something?
Just my 2cents.

By all means, be as helpful as you like, but please try to tone it down a notch.
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