ACCEPTED Admin Application Discodude

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TF2 Admin
Game Handle(s): Discodude
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45851883
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: MBM (Merry Band of Misfits), AF2 (Ace Fortress 2)
Real First Name: Ben
Age: 15
Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Any of the servers I can find, although I prefer any of the trade_rawr servers.
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: I have not yet
been an admin, and I at least think it is something I want to try. I try and help anyone who needs help, regardless of the game, if I notice they are having trouble, or if they have any questions, I try my best to answer them. I know much of the prices of items in TF2, although my backpack is pretty empty of valuables. I do not frequently play conventionally on these servers; I do not abuse advantages, kill other players, etc. I have many hours of game time and can recognize cheating/exploiting/hacking, which I would like to prevent on these servers (I like these servers :P).

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? YES
Do you have a working mic? YES, on my computer. NO, on my headphones, although I plan on getting a mic later this year.

P.S.: I cannot add the DARKLY | game tag right now (6:00 here), as the Steam community search function is not working properly.


TD Admin / Wanker
Nice, one of the first decent applications I've seen for a while.
In terms of getting everything right and having enough time on the servers I mean.

Stick around the forums and get to know us all!
It's always nice to have new faces around here.
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