• Guest, we are looking for good Team Fortress 2 Trade Server Staff Members

    TF2 Staff Members have access to in-game administrative abilities to aid in server control, and help in the development of Darkly TF2 as a whole

DENIED Admin Application: DARKLY | Happy Sticks

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TD Admin
Game Handle(s):DARKLY | Happy Sticks
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63229145
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: The BriefCase Stealers, -EliteTeam of Gamers-, Steam Trading Card Group and TF2 Worldwide gaming EDIT: I am apart of many more now but only because I have been invited by many of my friends...
Real First Name: Justin
Age: 19
Location: Oberlin, Ohio
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Team Fortress 2 - I play on a quite few of them because if feel that DARKLY has some of the best servers out there. My number one favorite server is #2, I play on this server almost all of the time but I do like to venture out to meet new players and such...
DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade Server #1 -
Team Fortress 2 - DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade Server #2 -
Team Fortress 2 - DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade Server #3 -

Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: Many times when I play, the admin is eaither AFK or isnt on the server, so if anything goes wrong there is no one to do anything about it. I've been in scamming situations before and its not fun, so I really want to stop the scamming so no one else has to deal with it. I only play on DARKLY servers, and I really want to keep them safe, from scammers, cheaters, players spamming in chat and also in the mic and overal just to try and keep the servers as fun and as friendly as possible. (Edited on bottom of application)

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 60 hours of play? Yes, and yes.
I have more then 1 month on the servers considering I have only been playing TF2 since April. Note: This does not mean that I am inexperienced with trading or anything, I know my prices on items.
Connection time 5 days 22:46 hours
(Current) EDIT: Connection time 6 days 19:05 hour(s)

Do you have a mic? Yes EDIT: (I use my mic frequently when on the servers to talk with players on ther server and becoming a moderator will only in courage me to use it more when necessary)

Are you in good standing with the community? Yes (I believe so)

Are you at least 18 years of age? Yes

EDIT: Don't want to bump this application but I would like to improve it a bit.
A few more things why I think I should become a Moderator:
I have a lot of experience with inforcing rules because I referee soccer, I feel like I will fit in very well with this great, great community that you guys have established and also I feel like I have been fitting in with the current mods and admins on the TF2 Servers. Even though things haven't gone so well at times, I am a very loyal Darkly, never been involved in any other clans, but just groups that I have been invited to by friends and such. I don't think I will ever leave Darkly, I mean who wouldn't. I feel as though I have been a active member on the forums, others may disagree. Since donating hasnt really fit into my budget atm, I think this is the best way to give back to Darkly. I have been called the "doorman" but being polite to people only makes them want to come back to Darkly and the forums. Even on the servers I always greet new faces or try and get to know them better so that they want to come back again and again. Starting my mass spycrabs will only help with this... A lot of the time I am on the servers when not many "higherup" people are on because of either time zones or things like that. At those times I feel like I can sort of regulate some of the stuff that is going on, but it doesn't always work out that way. I am learning new things each day including how to fill out the scammer report (I have practiced and asked a few people about it). I have also middlemanned numerous times for spycrabs, and have also been a victim of being scammed from spycrabs. I am very trustworthy on those types of things. (Look in the scammer report section and I am a victim of two spycrab scams.) Anyway, I think I would improve the overall community in the TF2 Trade Servers greatly by keeping them fun with spycrabs, raffles and other various things. I feel like I bond a lot with JhDevils10, Khârn the Betrayer, 14bux and Tick Tock Man on server #2, they have become like family to me (well sort of) and I can only improve the servers by making me a moderator. Playing on the pub server with many of you guys like Thanatos, Gatherix and Mizzterrr have really helped me to get to know some of you. I really want to prove to you guys that I am completly capable of the task at hand, and I will not let it go to my head. Keeping the servers as friendly as possible has been my goal from the moment I discovered them. I am always making new friends on the servers when I am on and I am always willing to help people with anything they need, whether it be a question about pricing or how to get on the forums. I also try and help with any situation that may have escalated (if one) and if I cant handle it myself I will get and admin/mod to handle it. I have been asked numerous times from people in-game about becoming a moderator but over the last month or so I figured well why not? Anyways thanks for reading my edit on my application, I have been meaning to add this but I havent had much time lately, i know that you guys will make the right decision as to whether or not I get accepted, hope to see you in game sometime!

Cheers, Justin


I'm New Here
I am:
| steamname: Coffee
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:14002863

I can confirm that this guy is very friendly, talkative, fair. With him on server, the atmosphere is calm and relaxed, full of fun and fellowships. He always does some trades and games. He plays the game the way it is meant to be played. It is very good to have more people like him on the trading servers. As i told him, i connect to tf2 servers over him. I really hope this guy will have his change to prove himself, because, i know he is for that.


DARKLY Regular
Even though im not a mod/admin. I must -1 this. Haven't seen him around and I'm in the darkly trade servers every day. Should hang around more often get to know everyone. good luck though.


TD Admin
Thanks Zavine, I must say that I have never seen you on the Darkly trade servers either. I will stick around and I hope you get to know me and see me on the servers!


I'm New Here
Happy sticks i know him just a couple of months now. He was always a bit shy but he is grown quite a lot in trading and knowing what is right and wrong. i think Happy Sticks would make a great admin beceuse he knows what justice means he also is a man of his word, and is ready to help for any one. Happy Sticks is also very sociale towards other players i have seen this on server that he makes in a polite way contact with people. and he never looks for fights. so in short yes i think Happy Sticks would make quite a decent admin for the DARKLY servers.




TD Admin
Hello Handsome E. Buttocks, I can see how you may think that something is fishy. As you can obviously see I recently applied for admin/mod the other day. Now on my Steam profile bio I put that I had applied for a Darkly admin/mod and that if you could reply to it and tell me what you think I am doing good at the moment and also what you may think I need to improve on. I really just wanted to get criticisms so that I could begin to work on the things that I need to work on before I either get accepted or denied, so that if I do get the honor of becoming an admin, I could do the best job possible and therefore make the TF2 atmosphere in the Darkly servers as fun and enjoyable as can be. With that being said, I have removed it from my Steam bio and no one else should post anything else. Once again I'm sorry about the misunderstanding. Thank you for taking the time and reading this......Have a great day and I hope to get to know you more since I have never saw you in the servers or on the forums before! Cheers!


Death by Darkly
Hello Handsome E. Buttocks, I can see how you may think that something is fishy. As you can obviously see I recently applied for admin/mod the other day. Now on my Steam profile bio I put that I had applied for a Darkly admin/mod and that if you could reply to it and tell me what you think I am doing good at the moment and also what you may think I need to improve on. I really just wanted to get criticisms so that I could begin to work on the things that I need to work on before I either get accepted or denied, so that if I do get the honor of becoming an admin, I could do the best job possible and therefore make the TF2 atmosphere in the Darkly servers as fun and enjoyable as can be. With that being said, I have removed it from my Steam bio and no one else should post anything else. Once again I'm sorry about the misunderstanding. Thank you for taking the time and reading this......Have a great day and I hope to get to know you more since I have never saw you in the servers or on the forums before! Cheers!

My apologies if I'm misunderstanding you, but this thread has nothing to do with your Steam Profile and is completely independent of the latter. What's listed on your Steam Bio is irrelevant in regards to the posting that happens here.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
We should pick a random CoD clan, and do this. All create frum accounts and then one of us will ask for admin(me, obviously, masta troll) and then the rest of us say, "yeah, he's the greatest, best player ever, real level headed"

lol seriously...
We should pick a random CoD clan, and do this. All create frum accounts and then one of us will ask for admin(me, obviously, masta troll) and then the rest of us say, "yeah, he's the greatest, best player ever, real level headed"


Someone give him the internet tenfold.


TD Admin
Alright I ran into some problems with my other account. It was hi-jacked this morning so I no longer have any control over it, I am hoping that Steam Support can recover the account and get my items back but the chances are at a minimum. I am not sure what this will do to my Admin Application at this point, but in my opinion the best thing I can do is wait and see if my account can be recovered along with all the items I lost.

My temporary account at the moment is......... Happy Sticks #Hi-Jacked
Feel free to add me for the entire story of what went on.

If you receive any sort of message from Darkly | =)Happy Sticks(= it is not me!

If you have any suggestions as to what else I can do please add me and tell me or post it here!
Thanks very much and stay safe from scammers,
Happy Sticks #Hi-Jacked


TD Admin
Alright Steam Support was very helpful and therefore I got my account back and all $170 worth of items I had lost! So once again I am in complete control of my account! Thanks for your advice and I hope to see you in-game now that I can finally play on the servers!
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