Admin Application *2nd Post*

Game Handle(s): DARKLY | TheDevineBright
SteamID: americanreject11
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None
Real First Name:Tyler
Age: 16
Location: Virginia
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Chicago #2
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: This server is the only Darkly server in which i still haven't seen an admin in. I know how to use console commands and will make sure that this server stays a clean, popular trade server.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 50 hours of play? Yes
Do you have a working mic? Not at the time


TD Admin / Wanker
Hey there dude!
I do actually think that the Chicago servers are the ones less frequented by the current Admins.
I myself have never been to a Chicago server.

It would be nice to have someone there.

Good luck in your Application, stick around and post a bit.


Notice how your old thread says [ON HOLD]. Perhaps DARKLY has enough admins ATM. Chill out for a bit: get to know the regulars better, and keep being a good player.
If the time period between you posting an application and the present becomes ridiculous(like in my case), bother one of the head admins. Perhaps they just forgot!