[Admin app] albby13


I'm New Here
Game Handle(s): albby13
SteamID: none
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: none
Real First Name: albert
Age: 14
Location: Chicago IL
Which DARKLY Minecraft server(s) do you play on: my.darklyworld.com:2556
Why do you want to be a DARKLY Minecraft Admin:
I like playing minecraft with friends and i also see some unfair things happening on the server time to time, and it will be cool to be a part of the minecraft server and Darkly Gaming Network.

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play?:I believe so i have bin on more than a month
Do you have a working mic? yes i do on Skype and Raidcall


I'm New Here
if the server get more people on it/ popular and because i can be on often would i be considered for admin or moderator?


TD Admin / Wanker
But we have a lot of older players that we could look to for that kind of thing.
Or even more Admins within Darkly its self.

Most of the players that we, or I, would consider have been playing for longer than even you have.
Longer than even me, for that matter.