Admin Abuse.

TD| Drugz, constantly abuses his admin powers, i wasn't going to say anything, because I am not a bitch. Possibly, he owns the server? That's the only logical explanation I have come up with.

Honestly, one time I was in the server, and he activated at least 5 USELESS votes. On two separate occasions, hes kicked players , with no rhyme or reason. He mutes people that are entertaining, without any purpose. He steals the show. You want an atmosphere where everyone is welcome, yet when this guy is in the server, he controls EVERYTHING. its quite repelling. I am posting this in the forums, in case I file this the right way, and he manages to get his greasy hands on it to delete it. TD | Drugz, officially, logs into rcon or admin as soon as he enters the server, and makes everyone aware, that he is there to show his power.


TD Admin
lol! i muted this guy cause he wouldnt stop bitching about some guy he thought was hacking. end of story. btw, what do you do with that gaping void in your ass after you pulled all of this shit out of it?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Lol dude, welcome to TD. Random kicks - that's admin business (no offense, but we don't have to explain TO YOU why someone was kicked). Votes? Either having fun or changing map to populate the server (this happens to be one of our duties). Logs into rcon/admin? No - there's no logging on, so to speak, we are just admins. Let's everyone know he has admin? What do you mean? I'm very curious.
I don't mean to pick your post apart, but rather understand what you may think are instances of abuse, when they are in fact just regular duties being completed by a well-established admin.
Please feel free to voice yourself in a respectful mannor, as we will definately help you understand how TD operates.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
[quote1249688199=OG buckshot jr]
Votes? Either having fun or changing map to populate the server (this happens to be one of our duties).

Maps shouldn't be changed for fun, or to the admin's liking. Map votes are only to be used if it is intended to populate the server either early during the day or very late at night. Just thought i would clarify that. A map vote on a populated or full server is not Admin duties, its abuse of power. Our admins know that, so i doubt that is the case.


TD Admin
deff not the case. the guy was mad because i wouldnt ban some guy who was tearing it up on season. he wouldnt shut up so i muted. he ragequitted instantly then made this post to try and get me in trouble.

"vacant cabin deep n lush forest", i know who you are so i dont know why you made a random name to hide yourself.

anyhow, i have been around long enough to know the rules of the community we have created so plz stop wasting everyones time.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
[quote1249694231=LoW BuDgEt]
[quote1249688199=OG buckshot jr]
Votes? Either having fun or changing map to populate the server (this happens to be one of our duties).

Maps shouldn't be changed for fun, or to the admin's liking. Map votes are only to be used if it is intended to populate the server either early during the day or very late at night. Just thought i would clarify that. A map vote on a populated or full server is not Admin duties, its abuse of power. Our admins know that, so i doubt that is the case.

Excuse me, I meant question votes when referring to 'fun'. For map votes I agree and it isn't abused one bit, trust... Just to clarify.

EDIT: And Cabin, you got muted. It happens all the time: to randoms, to regulars, to members, hell even admins lol It's not the end of the world, and it shouldn't be taken personally. It's no big deal man, and nobody is "watching out for you"... Play on brotha, I'll see you on the server...



TD Member
This is a good server, full of good players and admins. A bit more reflection on why an admin may have done something before posting a complaint might help; was there actually a reason? In almost all cases the answer is yes.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
he was probably kicking afk's, to make room for the people that area waiting to get in.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
seriously, fuck off.... drugz is the last one to admin abuse... you were being an annoying PITA and therefore deserved to be muted/kicked/banned....

vinny paz

TD Admin
Drugz definitely abuses. And he beats his wife. I also heard that he stores gigabytes of child pornography on his laptop. shhhh
Drugs has admin?! wowzers, never seen him use it. To the OP, if your going to act like a little bitch be prepared to be treated like one.