[ABANDONED] Awyeah - Application

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Future Ban List Occupant
Game Handle(s): Awyeah
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:749760
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: ToRX
Real First Name: Ryan
Age: 26
Location: Bramladesh, Ontario
Favorite Games: CS, CIV V, Deus Ex
Interests: the cottage, paintball
Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly?
1) I miss Cock of Fur.. Badly
2) I enjoy playing in the community and I see this as the next logical step, also allows for participation in scrims

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play?
Are you active on the forums?
Yes but I was recently out of country for a while
Do you have a mic?
Are you in good standing with the community?
Are you at least 18 years of age?


TD Member
Darkly Scrim Group
They scrim just about every night round 8ish? If you are a member of the group and online you will get a scrim invite most likely from Famas.
Install Ventrillo and join up in the Darkly Server:
Vent IP:
Vent Port: 3815

Hope to see you in game! +1


Future Ban List Occupant
A higher level of scrim above randoms lol. since there is no cal, something cal like i dont know what you currently have in place within the clan or vs other clans
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