I don't know how many TD members and regulars are fed up with guys like rabies, but can a little pull be done from admins in the servers. (Not calling you out here, just asking for some help)
The guy protects his stats and sits and camps everywhere. Doesn't matter how many are left, he makes no attempt every round to defuse the bomb or complete the objective. Its pissing a lot of regulars off. Just thought I'd create a thread to let you guys know, as some regulars are really getting upset in the server and its creating lots of unneeded tension.
I don't care enough to sit there and bitch about him, but when no admins are on, your server is not running full with guys like him in it. Can you give him a temp ban or something so he actually starts playing the game rather then pissing off half the server?
I am new here and not a member so I don't know your policies that well yet, but I'm sure theres enough guys here that will reply about players like him.
He isn't the only one, and this thread isn't just about him. But hes a good example since the stats have been reset.
The guy protects his stats and sits and camps everywhere. Doesn't matter how many are left, he makes no attempt every round to defuse the bomb or complete the objective. Its pissing a lot of regulars off. Just thought I'd create a thread to let you guys know, as some regulars are really getting upset in the server and its creating lots of unneeded tension.
I don't care enough to sit there and bitch about him, but when no admins are on, your server is not running full with guys like him in it. Can you give him a temp ban or something so he actually starts playing the game rather then pissing off half the server?
I am new here and not a member so I don't know your policies that well yet, but I'm sure theres enough guys here that will reply about players like him.
He isn't the only one, and this thread isn't just about him. But hes a good example since the stats have been reset.