• Please remember to wrap not safe for work text/images in [NSFW][/NSFW] tags.
    Example: [NSFW][img]http://darklygaming.com/images/spinnysgapedass.jpg[/img][/NSFW]

A better way to post images


TD Member
I have lightbox installed, you can post image links by using a thumb I have set up, then add your image link, this will prevent the forums from fucking up. The code should look like this:


You can use any image domain, insert the domain to your image in the first part where I have


the thumb image can be left as is. Example:


Or you can use your own thumb image if you have one.

Or you can upload the image and then edit the post.

Also you can make a thumb from the uploaded image by specifying size in the img portion of the code.




Furthmore you don't necessarily need a thumb image you can use a text link as well:

[lightbox=/e107_themes/CSF3/images/header.png|||]CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE BITCHES!!!![/lightbox]


[lightbox=/e107_themes/CSF3/images/header.png|||]CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE BITCHES!!!![/lightbox]


TD Member
awesome job!. p.s. theres somethign worng with the forum, when images are larger than the thread, it pushes the thread behind the right column (where the servers and donations are)


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i use this to post pics :

[ img width=450]URLGOESHERE[/img] without the space