Received via Mobile SMS From DGN MiddleDracolf, Dracowolf: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198020525488
|steamID: MoThЕяLaИd™
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37079883
|steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034425495
|steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198034425495
SourceOp forum account (if applicable): http://forums.sourceop.com/members/35278-Motherland
|steamID: |LT|fuck off
|steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57491893
|steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075249514
|steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198075249514
SourceOp forum account (if applicable): N/A
Description: Guy attempted to at first, claim that he had a 'bad experience' with a Middlemann and didn't want to use one, when asked if they could use a DGN Middlemann, he changed to saying he didn't trust anyone after MCT, when offered to use a SR Middlemann, I discovered he was already marked as a scammer, thus when questioned, he removed the trader, attempting to con him into going through with the trade and promising him that he would pay with PayPal. Trader can be reached for more information, if needed.
It should also be noted he tried this same crap with about...six other people, below...
|steamID: MoThЕяLaИd™
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37079883
|steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034425495
|steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198034425495
SourceOp forum account (if applicable): http://forums.sourceop.com/members/35278-Motherland
|steamID: |LT|fuck off
|steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57491893
|steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075249514
|steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198075249514
SourceOp forum account (if applicable): N/A
Description: Guy attempted to at first, claim that he had a 'bad experience' with a Middlemann and didn't want to use one, when asked if they could use a DGN Middlemann, he changed to saying he didn't trust anyone after MCT, when offered to use a SR Middlemann, I discovered he was already marked as a scammer, thus when questioned, he removed the trader, attempting to con him into going through with the trade and promising him that he would pay with PayPal. Trader can be reached for more information, if needed.
It should also be noted he tried this same crap with about...six other people, below...
Never tell your password to anyone.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
10:09 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: remember that guy who tried to scam me out of my phantom yesterday?
10:10 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: JA?
10:10 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: he tried to scam my friend too lol
10:10 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Chatlog?
10:10 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: He gonna get another tag.
10:10 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: my friend is like "this guy is offering me like 11 buds in cash for my 7 bud phantom. i'm gonna take it!!" so i ask him his name and it's the same guy. he didn't save the chatlog ):
10:11 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Also your friend should hit the Report Violation on that guy's profile and report him for scamming, or report him to Steam Support.
10:11 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Ah.
10:11 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: but damn, that guy is relentless
10:11 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Well, I'll see what I can do.
10:11 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: well my friend and i are aware of scammer.s it's other people that im concerned about
10:11 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: I know.
10:12 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Unfortunatly, there's nothing we can do but keep him marked, and reporting it to Valve.
10:12 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: valve doesn't ban scammers?
10:13 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Yes.
10:13 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Via if you make a report on their Support system.
10:13 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: i doubt many people do that
10:15 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: They don't, thus Scammers roam free.
10:15 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: rather unfortunate
10:22 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Indeed.
10:22 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: He needs to either go on his profile.
10:22 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: And click Report Violation and report it.
10:22 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: i'll tell hm
10:22 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: Or go onto the Steam Support site.
10:22 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: And make a Scam report.
10:23 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: will do. thanks draco
10:23 PM - {GCC}Dracowolf: No worries...if I could, I'd have him Trade Banned in a heart beat.
10:23 PM - MoThЕяLaИd™: i know. 6+ attempts is too much