BANNED 76561197982388839 - Natsu Dragneel

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TD Admin / Wanker
No one that I am currently aware of.

|steamID: Natsu Dragneel
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:11061555
SourceOp forum account (if applicable): N/A

Imgur Album:
Chat Logs via Myself:



In-game screenshots via DARKLY | Dalton442:



Natsu Dragneel's chat log on the DARKLY servers:

Natsu Dragneel was going around asking for people to join in a Raffle for an Unusual hat.
This was reported to me via one of our regulars, DARKLY | Dalton442. He asked if anyone is allowed to raffle on the servers, I said if they are asking for a Buy-In then no.
Natsu was asking for a 1 Refined buy-in, therefore is not allowed. Dalton then told me that Natsu had left the server so I decided to follow up by adding him.
This is when he told me what he did, which lead to me writing up this report.

He is also a F2P with an Unusual hat, it may be worth it to look in to where he got the hat, who owned it before him and such.

Advertisement for the Raffle:
Natsu Dragneel :  Raffling UNUSUAL Industrial Festivizer, 1 ref per ticket. Also accept botkiller weapons!
Natsu Dragneel's chat log on the DARKLY servers:
Chat Log with DARKLY | Dalton442:
20 December 2012
18:25 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Are raffles allowed on the trade servers?
18:25 - TD| Zackychuu: depends whether or not the person is asking for a buy in
18:26 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Isn't a buy in like "1 rec to join" or whatever?
18:26 - TD| Zackychuu: yeah
18:26 - DARKLY | Dalton442: He was asking for a ref to join.
18:26 - TD| Zackychuu: then no
18:26 - TD| Zackychuu: unless he is officially endorsed by the DARKLY Raffle Group, he is not allowed to raffle
18:27 - DARKLY | Dalton442: I'm almost positive he is not.
18:27 - TD| Zackychuu: Well atm there is only me waffle and gatherix
18:27 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Then no.
18:27 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Here's his post.
18:27 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Natsu Dragneel :  Raffling UNUSUAL Industrial Festivizer, 1 ref per ticket. Also accept botkiller weapons!
Waffel_Fish :  buying a naughty crate
18:28 - DARKLY | Dalton442: He left too.
18:28 - TD| Zackychuu: oh well i was about to join
18:28 - TD| Zackychuu: did anyone buy in?
18:28 - DARKLY | Dalton442: No.
18:29 - TD| Zackychuu: ok
18:29 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Not that I know of.
18:29 - DARKLY | Dalton442: He traded me and asked if I wanted to.
18:29 - TD| Zackychuu: ask around if anyone bought in
18:31 - DARKLY | Dalton442: No one said they did.
18:32 - TD| Zackychuu: 18:31 - TD| Zackychuu: Hello, I see that you have been offering a Raffle around on the DARKLY servers.
18:31 - Natsu Dragneel: yes?
18:31 - TD| Zackychuu: How exactly are you hosting this raffle? Where are you holding the entries etc.
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: You seem smart.
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: heres a tip
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: Don't join it
18:32 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Lol.
18:32 - TD| Zackychuu: can you please screenshot him advertising the raffle
18:33 - TD| Zackychuu: and upload asap
18:33 - TD| Zackychuu: gonna crack down on this before it continues
18:36 - TD| Zackychuu: hello?
18:37 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Uploading.
18:37 - TD| Zackychuu: oh ok
18:37 - DARKLY | Dalton442: 2 should be up.
18:37 - DARKLY | Dalton442: There are 3 total.
18:37 - DARKLY | Dalton442: They're up.
18:37 - TD| Zackychuu: Thanks
18:37 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Welcome.
DARKLY | Dalton442 is now Offline.
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DARKLY | Dalton442 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
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18:40 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Will he get banned?
18:41 - TD| Zackychuu: yes, accross all SteamRep associated servers
18:41 - TD| Zackychuu: And tagged as a scammer on SteamREP it's self
18:41 - TD| Zackychuu: I'm half way through the report now
18:42 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Ouch.
18:42 - DARKLY | Dalton442: Well I'm glad I could help.
Chat Log with Netsu Dragneel:
20 December 2012
18:31 - TD| Zackychuu: Hello, I see that you have been offering a Raffle around on the DARKLY servers.
18:31 - Natsu Dragneel: yes?
18:31 - TD| Zackychuu: How exactly are you hosting this raffle? Where are you holding the entries etc.
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: You seem smart.
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: heres a tip
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: Don't join it
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: Lmao if ur smart you'll listen
18:32 - TD| Zackychuu: Actually yes, that's probably all of the information I need
18:32 - Natsu Dragneel: so who are u anyway?
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Natsu Dragneel is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
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