5v5(20man) DE_old cal rules Tournament

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TD Admin
[quote1264182662=.44 CALiBER]
we sohuld have more than 2 ringers.. i think more than 2 ppl are gonna fail flop.


this could apply to me, if my internet decides to fuck me. Which it randomly does some times.

Write a letter with sharp edges!
(35mm (2010). Random phrases. Toronto: Pearson)


2012 Troll of the Year
Well, I'll be there making sure everything is held in place, so if a fag fag-outs I'll be there to fag-in.

.44 caliber

TD Admin

Well, I'll be there making sure everything is held in place, so if a fag fag-outs I'll be there to fag-in.


obviously you meant to say "fags out"



Professional Cocksucker
[quote1264195067=.44 CALiBER]

Well, I'll be there making sure everything is held in place, so if a fag fag-outs I'll be there to fag-in.

obviously you meant to say "fags out"

stick it to the mAn


2012 Troll of the Year
Ok, so how do we want to manage the viewing of this stupid thing? Crank up the player count to 64 so people can watch, or hook up sourceTV?

the quicker you guys can get a reply to me the better.

I'm partial to cranking up the player limit so we can all spec real-time... just easier.. steve, its your call.


TD Admin
specs = opportunity to ghost. I know it would be uber lame, but who knows who will log into vent together and chat it up. Just adding a -m to the cmd line in the vent properties means u can open up as many ventrilos as u want


TD Admin | Bacon
I'm in if this is happening Thursday... @10 >?>?

This thursday we will do the draft, and then the next week we will play the tourney.

Captains draft on TD vent @ 10pm est this thursday


2012 Troll of the Year
Source TV demo, or live relay.

No live spec, that shit is fucking retarded.

Just curious, why do you say live spec is retarded?


TD Member
I'm in if this is happening Thursday... @10 >?>?

This thursday we will do the draft, and then the next week we will play the tourney.

Captains draft on TD vent @ 10pm est this thursday

should the members be there for the draft or just the captins?
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