• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

4nr Here!


I'm New Here
Hey guys, my name is Brett (4nr). I've been spending a lot of time idling/trading/screwing around on your Toronto TF2 trade servers lately and though I'd go ahead and sign up on here and get to know the community a little better. A quick bit of information about me, I'm a 20 year old gamer from Virginia that spends way too much time on TF2 as of late. I play competitively here and there, but mostly hang out in trade servers goofing off with people in there. I intend on applying for Trade Admin after a few more weeks on the server just because I spend so much time on it and very frequently see scammers/trolls/annoying people spamming voice and no admins in sight. I've probably hit the 40 hour requirement within the past couple of days but I will introduce myself to the community beforehand. Looking forward to seeing you guys out there! Cheers.


TD Admin / Wanker
It's great to see TF2 players joining the forums!
It's even better to see someone trying to know the community some more before applying to be an Admin!

Stick around for a bit, you might even grow to like us ;)
Welcome dude!


Death by Darkly
I've seen you in-game a lot - glad to see you up here, too. Welcome!

The Toronto trade servers for the most part. Some real idiots come through there.

Chicago servers, to me at least, tend to be a little more portentous with trolls.


I'm New Here
I've seen you in-game a lot - glad to see you up here, too. Welcome!

Chicago servers, to me at least, tend to be a little more portentous with trolls.
Indeed, saw you a few times last night. On Toronto #2 last night, any time someone would try and voice comm, some little kid would just start saying penis over and over. Good times.