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47 leaving TD


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
me too.

Sure, he acts childish sometimes but he has been a big part of the TD community. A lot of the general population love him and he makes it fun to play cs. In the end, he does have to learn just to let the leadfoot situation go, and come back to our server and play!


TD Member
With 47 gone and jam MIA, maybe... just maybe... i will use voice_enable 1 and not have my fucking ears blasted when I'm listening for footsteps.
I like both of those guys, I just cant "hack" without my footsteps.


TD Member
Ahh look guys 47 is still coming back to check on things

Member 31 : 47
Real Name john
Email Address [hidden by request]
Last visit: Thursday 27 November 2008 - 20:43:56
( 8 hours, 3 minutes, 39 seconds ago )

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
With 47 gone and jam MIA, maybe... just maybe... i will use voice_enable 1 and not have my fucking ears blasted when I'm listening for footsteps.
I like both of those guys, I just cant "hack" without my footsteps.

You go ahead and enable that. I'll make you rue the day.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
LoW BuDgEt said:
With 47 gone and jam MIA, maybe... just maybe... i will use voice_enable 1 and not have my fucking ears blasted when I'm listening for footsteps.
I like both of those guys, I just cant "hack" without my footsteps.
Ohh thats why you dont reply when i call you a durty ape on mic!

ya, fuck, me too James I've called you all sorts of shit, tryin to get your attention lol

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Leadfoot said:
Ahh look guys 47 is still coming back to check on things

Member 31 : 47
Real Name john
Email Address [hidden by request]
Last visit: Thursday 27 November 2008 - 20:43:56
( 8 hours, 3 minutes, 39 seconds ago )


ok, I feel I have to speak up here. Your new, you got off on some bullshit, and you don't know anyone here. I'm going to be as frank as I can here... STOP ACTING LIKE WE ALL LIKE YOU, AND GIVE 47 CHEAP SHOTS EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. If I catch your f'n bullshit again I'll do something about it. Plain and simple. You've been asked to drop the issue, yet here you are "monitoring" our server for 47... which by the way, thats not 47, it's most likely some WTF player...

regardless, take my hint, and talk about something else.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
OG buckshot jr said:
Leadfoot said:
Ahh look guys 47 is still coming back to check on things

Member 31 : 47
Real Name john
Email Address [hidden by request]
Last visit: Thursday 27 November 2008 - 20:43:56
( 8 hours, 3 minutes, 39 seconds ago )


ok, I feel I have to speak up here. Your new, you got off on some bullshit, and you don't know anyone here. I'm going to be as frank as I can here... STOP ACTING LIKE WE ALL LIKE YOU, AND GIVE 47 CHEAP SHOTS EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. If I catch your f'n bullshit again I'll do something about it. Plain and simple. You've been asked to drop the issue, yet here you are "monitoring" our server for 47... which by the way, thats not 47, it's most likely some WTF player...

regardless, take my hint, and talk about something else.

I agree, 47 has been a bigger part of this community than you will ever be... Sorry to say it but it's true! Personally, I have no beef with him and wish he still played on TD

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
man this thread was done on the third page... people just post here to keep random convo going cause they're too lazy to start new thread lol


TD Member
whatever I really dont care whether you like me or not. Just with all the whining in here about him and you guys missing him I thought you might like to know that he stopped by. And the only reason I knew that he did is because i had a pm in my messages. Not because I was monitoring him. I didnt bash him or fuck all just said that he stopped by. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Leadfoot said:
whatever I really dont care whether you like me or not. Just with all the whining in here about him and you guys missing him I thought you might like to know that he stopped by. And the only reason I knew that he did is because i had a pm in my messages. Not because I was monitoring him. I didnt bash him or fuck all just said that he stopped by. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

i'm about to smoke you son.. can it and play.