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47 leaving TD

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
OG buckshot jr said:
come back, 47 is sleeping with the enemy.. talk about "Loving TD"... fuck that

Yup. But we wont get into details here. If Vinny wants to know, post in Admin section.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Leadfoot said:
If he truly loved or cared about this place he never would have left. He just doesn't like to be proven wrong.

hey man, just leave it alone.. try not to egg anything on. This doesn't prove 47 doesn't care about TD... I don't know what it proves, but none of know he 'doesn't' care for it and us...

vinny paz

TD Admin
I know for a fact that he does care for TD, leadfoot. And as much as he got on som e people's nerves there will be at least 3 times more people who will be thrilled to see him come back.

Anyways, I hope you guys do eventually work out your differences. TD is big enough for the two of you.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Well here is the problem. One of them is mature and one of them is a child. Go figure who's acting like a man and who isnt.
He's not as bad as me for drinking and Sourcing, but that's what it sounds like happened that night. Then he goes and shoots his mouth with LB and now he feels like a heal about it.

So he's laying low for a bit, thinking we all hate him now.
Does that make him a terrible person?

He can be hilarious at times, then he can be a real PITA, but I still want him playing here.