3rd Street


TD Member
I love the addition of this map and had no problems with it.

But last night i was getting bombarded with pm's saying people were having issue's with downloading the map. Now, b4 i get called an uber noob (for not saying just dl the map from the website and delete the old one) there usually isnt the issue of soo many players at once. Dr prop?

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Whoever put it on, did not put it on in the site download where the server downloads it from.

P.S 3rd street has really horrible CT spawn points.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Dr. Prop has his hands full. Everything is in priority sequence. 3rd street is NOT a priority right now lol.


TD Member
i want the old admin system back :(

so maybe we should take it off for the time being...it killed the server last night.


TD Member
3rd street has some serious problems and IMO the entire concept is terrible. Fixing it is really not something that would interest me.
I honestly don't see any probs with the map. Everyone used to love it, and it used to be voted all the time on the rotation.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I agree Demarcio.. but I know what Prop is talkin about.. that map needs an overhaul... it's just too narrow, small, no paths (or few, at least)

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
i want the old admin system back :(

so maybe we should take it off for the time being...it killed the server last night.
It only killed the server because no one could download it - myself included.


TD Member
The only reason anyone would even consider this map is playable is due to the lack of good custom maps out there. The CT spawn is a cluster, the playground bombsite is a claustrophibic nightmare, the actual brushwork and texturing hurts my eyes and overall it's just shitty.


TD Member
The only reason anyone would even consider this map is playable is due to the lack of good custom maps out there. The CT spawn is a cluster, the playground bombsite is a claustrophibic nightmare, the actual brushwork and texturing hurts my eyes and overall it's just shitty.
Why don't we take a vote then?

TD is by the players , for the players, yeah?


TD Admin | Bacon
No were not putting that unplayable abortion on TD unless someone completely reworks ct spawn

not to mention at the moment TD needs less custom maps not more.