North Korea beat Greece 2-0? Whaaat
lol. It was South Korea, they're actually not a bad team. And then they went up against Argentina and got their shit wrecked. Did anyone see Germany vs. Serbia? That was actually a pretty sweet game.
This world cup is full of surprises. Both good and bad. Luckily 2/3 countries i wanted to do good are doing good, Argentina and Holland. Germany, not so much. Thats what they get for stealing the polish players!
USA was robbed last game... fucking soccer is the shittiest sport ever... so dumb that the "world cup" can end in ties...u run around for an hr and a half to end in a tie... dumb
USA was robbed last game... fucking soccer is the shittiest sport ever... so dumb that the "world cup" can end in ties...u run around for an hr and a half to end in a tie... dumb
Yea and 3 hours of baseball is FANTASTIC. it's only group stage where a tie can happen.