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  1. I

    Local Lan League

    CS:GO Players, A friend of mine and I are launching the eSports Social League ( - an organization dedicated to increasing face-to-face competition among local players by hosting weekly matches (via LAN) in downtown Toronto. The goal is to have players build...
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    Darkly/TD Lan tournament

    CS:GO Players, A friend of mine and I are launching the eSports Social League ( - an organization dedicated to increasing face-to-face competition among local players by hosting weekly matches (via LAN) in downtown Toronto. The goal is to have players build...
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    Local Lan League

    Fellow Darkly Community, A friend of mine and I are launching the eSports Social League ( - an organization dedicated to increasing face-to-face competition among local players by hosting weekly matches (via LAN) in downtown Toronto. The goal is to have players build...
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    Darkly/TD Lan tournament

    Hey everyone, Please stay tuned for an official announcement as me and a friend are building a local league already and are hoping to launch in August. At this moment before any official post, please check out and sign up to get the latest info.
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    CSGO videos

    Pistol + knife ace from 2 nights ago
  6. I

    Are you guys ready for the upcoming update?

    Apparently it will be cheaper. Like maybe famas cheap so yea...We'll see how it goes. The first link is a dump of the coding/commenting of their new GUI. So if you skim through it you'll read notes about the new guns to confirm they are coming along with some other tidbits.
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    Are you guys ready for the upcoming update?

    m4a1? silencers? USP? ways to sponsor and contribute to prize pools hopefully much more!
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    NiP GUI v1.0.0.0

    I much prefer the competitive HUD atm. What is does is improve your viewing area because the default layout is well... bad.!prettyPhoto[post_content]/3/
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    The offical remove de_chataeu petition

    Removed +100000000 haha ken suckka
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    Veld Music Festival

    Anyone going?? Me and Flawless will be :rockon: &bob (next year)
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    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    Look where I might be living soon :rockon:
  12. I

    Dubstep Thread This is the bomb song right now ! Great driving music.
  13. I - Computer parts etc

    This is a sister company of NCIX. They are legit, no worries. Ordered HDDs and cables from them many times last year.
  14. I

    Tapatalk now supported

    omg finally!
  15. I

    CS:GO Beta Players

    I have it. I think people, especially those from CSS don't like it so much due to recoil/aim and the hitboxes on the model. It's 'harder' than CSS imo.
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    CSS and Dinosaurs

    CS:GO had a huge update today and I like the direction they are going in. The shake and added accuracy of first burst are great additions and a step in the right directions. I have hopes for CSGO and will switch over immediately. But if it ends up shitty, I'll fall back to CSS just like people...
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    First KAC Ban Asshole is....

    LOL, I was there when this guy got banned. I was like wtf? I was the only admin on at the time. Cool stuff. GJ LB
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    [UNBANNED] evoLwon ban.

    The moment he realized this, he told me to join up with him so he could test it out on a TD server. It didn't work so he thought it was a bug. He went back to ESEA client and lo and behold, due to the mat_dxlevel 81 he could kind of see through smoke when scoped. He still was unsure of the...
  19. I

    The triumphant return of DE_PRODIGY!

    Have no fear! I'll start doing it too. :rockon: