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  1. J

    REVISED |YorkU Toptchi - An appeal for a more lenient ban.

    Name When Banned: YorkU Toptchi Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:13824485 Game: CS:GO Server: Toronto Darkly (32 Man) Ban Reason: Fooling Around State your case: Hey Darkly, Fellow Torontonian checking in. Today at 11:50ish I was banned for excessive camping on: Cbble/Piranesi. I realize that it's annoyed...
  2. J

    a si nimda [ banned for my name ]

    I was banned because my name is admin is a backwards, i guess i did not read the motd but that is unfair. I'm willing to change my name but I think the ban was unjustified... steam_0:1:1767207