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  1. C

    [poll] Basements or Attics

    Found one of those ugly things crawling up my wall in front of my desk not too long ago. Never been so freaked out in my life.. especially when I tried to vacuum it and it scurried off. I got one of my friends to come rescue me :)
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    How much time did this take, so cool..

    Similar to the Honda commercial aired in the UK a few years ago. I know for this one it took them 605 takes to get it right and each time they had to go back and set it up again! All the items in the shot are from a disassembled Honda...
  3. C

    The Official Fuck Windows 7 Thread

    I've not really had too many issues and so far I like Windows7. The only problem I had was a blank pink screen that came up on startup a few weeks ago and then Windows tried to tell me I had an illegal copy... which I don't. Sorted now though!
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    Hmm it's not, but I wish it was!
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    Happy bday Rorschach!

    Happy Birthday :)
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  8. C

    NASA's "puffin"

    This would be useful!
  9. C

    another space pic

    Pretty :)
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    I really don't like where this conversation is going! I haven't seen Clash since before the meet and now I'm worried.
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  12. C

    Contact Juggling?

    Yeah I've seen vids of that kind of stuff before but didn't know what it was. This guy's really good though!! It's almost like the ball has a mind of its own.
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    Glad to hear! It's about time more money got put into it. I went to see a guest lecture a few weeks ago that was an astronaut/computer scientist who was helping develop robotics for space exploration and had been on a few trips himself. This guy was crazy with all the degrees he had! Plus he was...
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    Good luck with it! I tried it out last summer and it wasn't easy that's for sure. The first 4 weeks are the hardest but it gets better after that :)
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    Lol iSeize, such a fool <3 How sharp's your knife?
  16. C


    Hi guys, my names Charlotte, (or Char). I've been on the CSS server the past few days so you might have seen me around. Oh and I'm Clash's gf. He bought me CSS a while ago but I'm finally playing :)