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  1. K

    Suggestion for the TD CSGO pub server

    Nothing is more annoying then having people blocking each other at the start of the round. So I am making a suggestion of increasing the buy weapon time at the start of the round or if there is a mod that will make it so we can run through people for the first like 5 seconds so the people...
  2. K

    My Random thread

    Well this is getting real boring post a pic everday so i failed.
  3. K

    My Random thread

  4. K

    My Random thread Well that was what was in the box.
  5. K

    My Random thread

  6. K

    My Random thread

    Well last night I tried access the site to post the picture and it wouldn't let me so ill just post it now. I just cleaned my desk so here's a picture of that. Also moved my computer back into my room from upstairs.
  7. K

    My Random thread

    Picture #4 Yea yea yea its all food. Tomorrow ill try to get something different but no promises.
  8. K

    My Random thread

    Picture #3
  9. K

    My Random thread

    @HaileyHaze nah. Just like food I guess. @wh1te Yea I play wow.
  10. K

    My Random thread

  11. K

    My Random thread

    Picture #2
  12. K

    My Random thread

    I gots this new webcam so everyday I well take a random picture and upload it and post it here. Why you may ask? Pure Boredom. Some days there may be more than one photo but everyday for the next month I well upload one photo. If I don't ban me from the server for a month. Anyways heres the...
  13. K

    Hai (Fatal fetus)

  14. K

    The keyboard challenge

    Because my other thread was such a sucess I figured I would share this thread also. Ite so the challenge is: Slam your dick on the keyboard and see how many buttons you can press with it GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  15. K

    My characte

    Woah a CSS community with a WOW subforum. Its like a dream come true :P Anyways here is my character. As of posting this he in in his PVP spec/gear.
  16. K

    Hai (Fatal fetus)

    A couple of you well remember me(Brainz) and probley most wont. I use to play on the TD servers about a year ago regularly.I was the one who demoed "Serial" about a year ago which lead to him getting banned from the servers then shortly vacced banned. Video here...
  17. K

    Pick your 3 So what ones?
  18. K

    NEW UPDATE!!!!

    Its really really bad now.
  19. K

    I love you canuks.

    They runiend bacon and harvest ice. LMAOOOOOOOOOO