Search results

  1. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    kys before i kms

    kys before i kms
  2. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    EXPIRED Hacker on server 2

    well he just got vac banned
  3. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    EXPIRED Hacker on server 2

    Theres a guy on server 2 right now hacking and mic spamming | steamname: virgin cocksucking faggot | steam3ID: [U:1:298429588] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:149214794 | steamID64: | customURL: |...
  4. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

    ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
  5. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    BANNED tf2 aids oozing all over lb's nuts STEAM_0:1:42396830 Server 2 Claims "Oh i didnt mean to spray that", but i saw him move it twice after it was covered.
  6. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    BANNED Purple Gibus Mic Spammer

    is now spamming some other song
  7. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    BANNED Purple Gibus Mic Spammer STEAM_0:1:47399229 Was Mic Spamming What i Assume To Be The Russian Anthem On Server 2 And kept spamming even though asked to stop.
  8. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    BANNED Mic Spammer - lord bro

    Sorry if this is in wrong place, im new to reporting people on the forums. also, i have some video of him, but it didnt record my voice. though i can tell you that i asked him to keep the mic usage down and to keep the mic to trading. he then accused me of saying i would mute him when i didnt...
  9. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    BANNED Mic Spammer - lord bro steamID32: STEAM_0:1:104293372 Overly Using the mic to just shout out nonsense, telling me that because im not an admin he doesnt have to stop because i cant mute him. Server 1. probably still on if youd like to check it out.
  10. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    ACCEPTED TF2 staff Application

    This Guy is Very Nice and Very Good at Taking care of situations When no staff are on the server. +1 From me
  11. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    UNDER REVIEW Supbrah begging for stuff

    He Traded me And Said "Hey Got Anything to Gift Me for free?:D" STEAM_0:0:75845985 <------------- Thats His Steam ID
  12. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    DENIED DGN Aim Staff Application

    I am deeply sorry for doing that, and i will never do it again. Thank you for the good luck and thank you for your feed back :).
  13. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    DENIED quequens Staff Application

    Ive seen him a couple times on server 2, He usually is playing sniper and usually always beats me (i will be a better sniper someday). Not sure what to think as whenever i do see him he never talks. But maybe thats just my luck. Best of luck on your application
  14. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    ACCEPTED Keskele's App.

    +rep from me, i make jokes about loving him all the time when hes on (love you babe)
  15. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    ON HOLD Penguin's Application For Admin :D

    Penguin is a nice guy and he talks to me about trading and ive given him advice. Love to go sniper vs. sniper against him. Ive seen him alot on server 2, but not any other server. Though everytime i do see him, he usually tries to remind people of the rules. +rep
  16. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    ACCEPTED Lochnessmaster Tf2 Staff App

    Seen him on both server 1 and 2. mostly on two though. he reminds people of the rules when ever a chance arises and he is a very cool guy. +rep from me
  17. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    DENIED DGN Aim Staff Application

    Game Handle(s): Aim, Aimbot, Aimbot.ExE, Aela The Huntress SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67585940 Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None Real First Name: Andrew (Andy, If you Prefer To Call Me That) Age: 15 Location: Hampton, Virginia Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Any That Have People...
  18. Andrew||Aɨɱßoʈ.EχE

    Buying Festive Unique Weapons

    Hello Fellow Traders! Welcome To My Festive Shop! I am Buying All Festive Weapons For 25% Off Of Prices! Send Me A Trade Here :