Search results

  1. ChiGoku

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    I'm a nub, what can I say, is there such thing as a spoiler tag to do on here?? plus anyone can find anything with the help of goggle and wiki :P
  2. ChiGoku

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    * spoiler* don't read.. even though it isn't much of a spoiler, and I dunno how to do spoiler hide thingy, I nub* scroll past my post perhaps? If you read the books, you'll like whats coming to Goffrey, in a twist way
  3. ChiGoku

    Canadian Economy Simplified

    As a fellow canadian soldier, I can attest that yes, we spend ALOOOOOOOT of money for no god damn reason..Like the new airforce planes that we keep wasting billions on.... Unfortunately I'm not going to go into a big huge rant as ghett0 did, but everything he has said about the whole contractors...
  4. ChiGoku

    Trading cards

    WTT Bastion 1 and 3 card, and Payday 2: 2,3,5,7 and 9 cards for skyrim cards , need cards 3,4,5 7 and 8 of skyrim
  5. ChiGoku

    Official - Post Your Gaming Setup / Rig

    CPU: AMD FX 6100 six-core, OC'd to 3.9ghz MOBO: Asus Crosshair V forumla Memory: 4X4GB 2133 DDR 3 corsair Dominator GT Vid. Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 570 HD 2.5gig GDDR5 H.D.D: CORSAIR FORCE3 2.5" 60GB SSD WD CAVIAR GREEN 2TB 64MB WD 1TB (from my last...
  6. ChiGoku

    Recommend a Good Headset?

    I just Dr beats solo HD's, and a stand mic, works good enough
  7. ChiGoku

    walking dead game any good?

    he didn't state it was a steam sale, could be a sale on xbox for all I know, and both walking dead games are on steam, sorry if I dont check every sale they have
  8. ChiGoku

    walking dead game any good?

    which walking dead game you asking about?? The Walking dead game from telltale games was alright, but its more of a story line driven game, I only played a few hours and found it slow, because that's all you do, and make sure you remember what you select for responses, got caught in a few...
  9. ChiGoku

    Battlefeel 4?

    I am.. even if my opinion may not count, :why:
  10. ChiGoku

    CS:GO Scrim Server?

    Brohan is just another word to say instead of friends, like "hey bro" or hey buddy, just with added words at the end
  11. ChiGoku

    Pay Day 2

    I may have to, I like the game, unfortunately only lvl 12 or 13, I don't have anyone in a premade to play with so it annoys the F out of me trying to go a bit more stealth like with bunch of randoms shooting up evvvvvverything
  12. ChiGoku

    Recommend a Good Anime?

    From the reviews I read, must have been different then, and I've heard other ppl say good things, unfortunately some ppl may like it, some may not. But for my taste, I liked it, I enjoyed it, it kept me watching it, instead of going, meh this is garbage. If you don't enjoy the whole shounen...
  13. ChiGoku

    Recommend a Good Anime?

    If that's what you want to think, fine by me, I'm not here for a nerd debate anyways :P
  14. ChiGoku

    Recommend a Good Anime?

    Gantz is good for a read, some parts gets so damn confusing. Gantz for extreme boobies and nudity xD Also tons of action, gore, guts, that kind of stuff. The series finally ended, and it was preeeeeeetyy shitty ending though
  15. ChiGoku

    Recommend a Good Anime?

    The beginning intro is probably one of my favorite intro's, it was a good choice of music! *edit* Don't forget to watch the movie Trigun is also another great classic!! and they also released a new Trigun movie a year or 2 ago
  16. ChiGoku


    Why thank you! ^_^
  17. ChiGoku

    Recommend a Good Anime?

    good anime, oh boy.. where do I start.. unfortunately I have not read the pages (in sorta a hurry atm) so I'm not sure what ppl have recommended to you, and what you would prefer.. But if your looking for a good RPG type style anime, I'd go with sword art online prob. in my top 5, I just wish...
  18. ChiGoku


    Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone!
  19. ChiGoku


    I loved the BF2 series!!! may fav! BF3 I like, but they broke my heli! so sad. I still play BF3 from time to time, clocked almost 300H I believe. I'll def. go back to BF4 once it is released *edit* Sorry, 255Hours..
  20. ChiGoku


    Hey.. I figured I'd finally introduce myself, even if ppl don't care XD I've been playing on your server for almost the past month now and have been having a blast, I do look forward in helping donating when I can (first one I will in mid month as its when I get paid) I hope I can get along...