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  1. TurboTaco

    Old- School

    Manhunt was a rockstar game i believe. Fun fun.
  2. TurboTaco

    [Solved] Windows 10 released today, woo.

    Forced microsoft downloads unless enterprise edition
  3. TurboTaco

    Next level cooling solutions

    Dean, you should call this 'Project CentiBrands'
  4. TurboTaco

    Next level cooling solutions

    stock HSF :fulloffuck:
  5. TurboTaco

    Economy imploding

    Its funny that the article seems to make the low oil price issue a unique problem for Canada only which isnt the case...its true canadas economy is driven by a majority of energy and resource sectors, but this is true for a ton of nations. Even the oil rich nations of the middle east rely on the...
  6. TurboTaco

    Economy imploding

    Dont think of relying on OAS as much of a supplement for you either brains. OAS is based on your income in retirement, the more you have the less you get if none at all. Also, most likely within the next 20-30 years OAS will be dunzo which means the next gen after baby boomers that retire will...
  7. TurboTaco

    Economy imploding

    This is true, but the discussion is turning from economics to ideologies. In the end, the world has been using a form of trickle-down economics for well over a century. First worlds, developed nations, big wigs with money invest globally to third world nations with the benevolent promise of...
  8. TurboTaco

    Economy imploding

    Employee pricing on mtgs is the same for any cdn. Working in a bank i know we have the same best rates we offer to our best clients/potential mortgagees. Of course if an advisor can eke out a higher rate for a client who goes with whatever number we give, then so be it. Otherwise everyone asks...
  9. TurboTaco

    need a new PC case

    Imo the haf x is bomb diggity and has tons of space for futureproofing, cable mgmt, fans or coolers. If your main concern at this point is for visual asthetics, the hafx has a windowed side panel altho easily obstructed with the side case fan. But i get what u mean wanting to see the main fan...
  10. TurboTaco

    [SOLVED] High temps, laptop slowing down

    And we make fun of your rig while we help with your rig
  11. TurboTaco

    [SOLVED] High temps, laptop slowing down

    Laptops for gaming :yaoming:
  12. TurboTaco


    You dont have to like people like this, but it takes these types of individuals to make the system aware of gaping holes in order to fill em in. What would be worse is if this had not come to light and a small group of exploiters continuously exploit this loophole for profit (which likely is...
  13. TurboTaco

    Toronto Darkly Fresh Meat!

    grats guys
  14. TurboTaco

    [SOLVED] CPU Temperature help

    The tower definitely looks a little tight with that 120mm fan by your CPU blowing air out the back. My HSF is huge, but the 2 fans can be arranged to the sides and not clip the top or rear fans I have installed. Is your case a full size tower or mid? If Mid, you might need to find a smaller HSF...
  15. TurboTaco

    [SOLVED] CPU Temperature help

    Hence why i say most applications. For the average pc user who games but doesnt oc, after market air cooling will be cheaper, easier to maintain & upgrade, and do what liquid cooling does: cool your shit. Plus for the avg gamer who never tried to oc before or with limited experience, air cooling...
  16. TurboTaco

    [SOLVED] CPU Temperature help

    Bail on water cooling because air cooling works just as well or better for most applications (imho)
  17. TurboTaco

    Epic Picture Thread

  18. TurboTaco

    Economy imploding

    What microFIT companies dont tel you is the efficiency of pv degrades year over year. The 'best' panels at the time i was working had conservative efficiency ratings of about 18-22%. Plus we dont have control of nature. If your home was in the ideal location with max exposure you still have to...
  19. TurboTaco

    Official Video Thread

  20. TurboTaco

    Economy imploding

    U got it backwards man. Low hanging fruit is no longer and has never been oil well operations. Dutch shell, imp oil, etc spend billions for in land and offshore rigs that provde a couple decades worth of oil at best with diminishing returns year over year. Fracking is mainstay of oil n energy...