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    i stepped on a duck
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    donde están mis pantalones? adiós, pantalones!

    I prefer the no pants approach when playing fy_pool_day
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    blue crayons vs yellow crayons

    i think blue crayons taste better but my friend likes the yellow ones we would like to ask a pole what is the better crayon? remember you must be a pole...
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    oversoul on darkly CS:S

    I called him out over voice chat and over regular chat, he hasn't really turned up much since
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    oversoul on darkly CS:S

    Have you guys taken a look at oversoul-*? he's super sketchy like ALL THE TIME
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    Apology to Amish Pirate

    i have too many red crayons
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    Apology to Amish Pirate

    cock do you prefer forks or spoons
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    Apology to Amish Pirate

    yeah! high five mate! apologizing is for men
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    Apology to Amish Pirate

    oh man good i thought you were an enemy. i'm glad you are not an enemy!!!! see you in the server!!!!
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    meatball is also my favorite you cretins
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    Apology to Amish Pirate

    dear amish pirate i am sorry for constantly harassing you in the server and asking you to possibly compare menstruation to habanero death hot sauce, or asking you if you own jean shorts or wear bow ties for fun. i really enjoy pushing your buttons solely because you seem to hate it the...
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    datguy: what's your favorite subway sandwich?
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    CAN O TUNA BIG KAHUNA I'm here for the source