Search results

  1. R

    Dumb white racist girl

    Searching the web about racism's studies is interesting ! One that I particularly find amusing (article is from ~2 months ago) : Also, I've read somewhere long ago (can't find source sorry) that once race reaches a certain...
  2. R

    Sourcemod 1.4.2 is out

    Was it ever reported? Any chance you fix it? It's kinda strange, all your website and servers seems professionally done (awesome javascript use), but right as I tried my first action it seemed suddenly broke :3. (The "sent messages" inbox not working; why do we have one then :$) WTF!? (lol)...
  3. R

    Sourcemod 1.4.2 is out

    Hi, as the title says, Sourcemod 1.4.2 is out and should be updated to, since it fixes a security exploit. More info : I did try to PM "Shotgun Jesus" but I guess I can't PM since I just joined (item wasn't in "sent message" box) and...