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  1. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    wanted to check back to see if anyone actually cared here... I guess its just a lost cause. thanks for the abuse. bye.
  2. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    welp... it would seem that not much has happened here since my power went out earlier. HOWEVER, If I recall you actually banned me when I didn't beleave you were an admin. so you go around with no admin tags on, banning people who don't beleave your an admin and refusing to prove it in any...
  3. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    yup... gad you guys picked this guy over my friend who sat in darly servers for days on end givn away free stuff and keepin the servers populated... but I guess him giving up after about 4 months of applying for adminship and making his own server was an insult to you as well... and are you...
  4. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    i feel like im talkin to here... not darkly... idk what to thinka anymore :S but if you now beleave its the admins job to uphold a price you have decided upon then I guess darkly is dead to me... also I dont see how you can say that askin more for items is bad... if anything its good...
  5. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    the interest of other admins here gives me hope for this comunity. I think I might see how this plays out before dismissing the comunity entirely... that individual whom I was attempting to compliment earlier, while perhaps expressing an opinion of the state of this community, also gives me...
  6. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    dark·ly /ˈdärklē/ Adverb In a threatening, mysterious, or ominous way: "“You can't trust him,” said Jacob darkly". In a depressing or pessimistic way: "I wondered darkly if I was wasting my time". Synonyms gloomily so fitting...
  7. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    ya... feind. I hear you reduced my ban for 1week to 1day... likely because you know you were totally unjust in banning me and now realize that you have seriously offended a long-time darkly user. this wil not sway me. I told you in the server if you banned me I wouldnt drop it and I wont be...
  8. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    yes, that is indeed technically a scam. I'm didnt want to up and accuse darkly admins of being scammers... but I guess you did it for me :D
  9. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    I came here to ammend my previous statement... feel free to add me on steam if your not fiend. I have no interest in talking to abusive admins. but now that I see your statement I wish to clear up a few things as you changing the facts to make yourself look good. I never "claimed you were...
  10. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    most of the conversations took place over voice chat, likely to prevent me providing any proof... I think im done tho, if this is what darkly has become I want no part of it. feel free to contact me on steam if you require more info.
  11. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    oh.. and if that wasnt enough right after the incient he added me on steam for some odd reason... likely to attempt to prevent me from posting a compaint. I dont take kindly to admin abuse.
  12. J

    EXPIRED apalled by recent experiances on darkly servers.

    hello darkly I'm a long time user of darkly servers. I remember way back when tf2 trading was in its glory days and darkly had all of about 3 admins who lurked in the shadows and would hardly react to even the most annoying micspammers... I remember when basicly every server was totally full...
  13. J

    Can't seem to Register?

    hey darkly recently I've been signing in with facebook to report some rule breakers. (and have been quite happy with the results, thank you :D) I figured id actually regester and maybe get a little more involved in this gaming comunity, but when I try to do so it tells me my email isn't...
  14. J

    [BANNED] Reporting an abusive player this "Dr Gore Fiend" guy on DARKLY | Toronto #1 has been trolling people in the most rude and abusive ways possible for about the last hour and a half... I bleave this sort of thing is in direct violation of the rules and deserves a ban...
  15. J

    [BANNED] Reporting a scammer

    thanks dont need idiots like that wasting server slots anyways :P DARKLY servers FTW ;D
  16. J

    [BANNED] Reporting a scammer

    long time DARKLY trader here... submiting a complaint against "En_Blaze" profile link: he came onto DARKLY | chicago #1 and figured he could get a bidding war going on his item... I put in the highest bid, and he refused to sell saying he...